Mexican comic book titled La Siguanaba, dated 1959. It is about a native El Salvador legend. m
Price: $90.00
Mexican comic book titled La Siguanaba, dated 1959. It is about a native El Salvador legend. m
Price: $90.00
USA gum card produced in 1954 by TOPPS called Scoops. It was done as events would be shown in a newspaper. This shows the opening of the Panama Canal. B
Price: $30.00
Stereo card of a native hut near Panama. Nothing on reverse. B
Price: $15.00
Complete set of 10 large format cards on Balboa by Spanish company Cromos Culturas. C1955. M
Price: $120.00
Interesting postcards from the Republic of Guatemala dated December 4, 1916 and signed by a dignitary Orencio Botines Prat. M
Price: $60.00
Complete issue of Le Petit Journal for February 1927, showing the charge of the Nicaragua Amazons. M Price: $90.00 |
Complete set of 6 cards by Italian Lavazza on Precolumbian Architecture in America. Descriptions and adverts on reverse.
Price: $120.00
Large early 20th century colourful chromo advert by French Au Bon Marche of a fantasy story in Costa Rica. Small damage to writing at bottom but still readable. Nice advert on back as well. B
Price: $40.00
A large illustration of the building of the Panama Canal, 1888. Cutting through the Culebra Mountains, looking west. B
Price: $90.00
A collection of 7 British trade cards by A&BC Gum on Central America. The backs contain some statistics and different words in the local language, which in some cases is a bit strange. BB
Price: $140.00