A collection of 18 Spanish chromos on Central America done in the early part of the 20th century. All cards have descriptions and/or advertising on back. B
Price: $360.00
CEP 077
CEP 077
CEP 077
CEP 077
CEP 076CEP 076
Collection of 34 European chromo advertising trade cards on Central American countries. All have descriptions and/or advertising on back. M
Price: $680.00
CEP 076
CEP 076
CEP 076
CEP 025CEP 025
Complete set of 6 cards The Panama Canal, 1905, by Belgian Liebig. Descriptions on back. B
Price: $110.00
CEP 007CEP 007
Rare collection of 8 Spanish cards on countries, miltary, flags of Cental America and United States, c1900 ASK FOR AVAILABILITY
Price: $200.00
CE 020CE 020
Stock certificate Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interoceanique de Panama, 1888, stamped. Relates to failed French attempt to build the canal. MB
Price: $90.00
CE 012
Stock certificate Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interoceanique de Panama, 1888, stamped. Relates to failed French attempt to build the canal. MB