Photo Collections

Abyssinia and Somaliland, 1936APH 082Abyssinia and Somaliland, 1936APH 082

8 military photo collection Abyssinia and Somaliland, 1936. All described on reverse with a rare photo of Somali Dubat, Eritrean Ascari and Italian officer personnel all together. Also a military convoy, local market, military camp surrounded by barbed wire, a rare photo of Galla cavalry, women of Adrigat carrying huge bundles of firewood on their backs. M

Price: $120.00

 two Italian soldiers in a machine gun unit APH 074 two Italian soldiers in a machine gun unit APH 074

Photo album of two Italian soldiers in a machine gun unit in Abyssinia. Album begins in Italy before leaving for Abyssinia. Photos with loved ones and friends. Military photos in Africa. 54 photos in total, none of which are described. M

Price: $300.00

an Italian soldier in Abyssinia.APH 073an Italian soldier in Abyssinia.APH 073

Photo collection taken by an Italian soldier in Abyssinia.. All photos are described on back and most are dated, from 1938 to 1939. Images inside Addis Ababa, Italians with animals, R&R, Italian bridge, reference to the Negus on the back of one of the photos. One interesting photo of an Italian in Asmara dated February 18, 1941, just one month before the Italians lost the city to the British. 15 photos in total. M

Price: $120.00

Abyssinia during OccupationAPH 061Abyssinia during OccupationAPH 061

Album of 38 photos, pasted down, by an Italian soldier in Abyssinia during Occupation. Some interesting shots of military camps, including speeches by high ranking political types, ammunition dumps, building fortifications, road/bridge construction, red cross caring for local inhabitants, high ranking military ribbon cutting ceremony. Shot of ascari soldier, many pictures of Mussolini posted around camps, soldiers posing with donkey mascot, etc. No descriptions. M

Price: $400.00

9th Regiment Genio departing for AOIAPH 045


Photo of troops of the 9th Regiment Genio departing for AOI, September 10, 1935. Description and military seal on back. M

Price: $35.00

photo collection of AsmaraAPH 031photo collection of AsmaraAPH 031


 7 photo collection of Asmara, war period. Good military, askaris, ethnography. Descriptions on back. M

Price: $70.00

Abyssinia Photo CollectionAPH 124Abyssinia Photo CollectionAPH 124

Collection of photographs from Asmara and Massawa, 1926. Shows Governor of Eritrea at an opening ceremony, arrival of the post, Governors Park with Ascaris in background, Via Mussolini and more. 10 photos, all described on reverse. M?

Price: $300.00



Group of 8 described photos of indigenous life in Adua between September-October, 1936. Interesting photos of local kids eating spaghetti, a female ‘sciarmutte’ ceremony, woman shaving another woman’s head, also market at Macalle, more. M

Price: $100.00

Military funeral of Colonel MartelliniAPH 064Military funeral of Colonel MartelliniAPH 064


A group of 6 photos, mostly military, all described on back. Military funeral of Colonel Martellini, another funeral in Assab with fascist saluting, photos by a soldier named Puricelli of himself, as well as Italian road construction, more. M

Price: $100.00

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