Photo Collections

eth311ETH 311



Set of 4 Cicero photos on postcard stock on life in Asmara in 1925. B

Price: $100.00

eth309ETH 309



Homogeneous collection of 12 photos on postcard stock showing life in Ethiopia. B

Price: $250.00

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13 Asmara – based Lusvardi photos of life in Eritrea. B

Price: $300.00

eth307ETH 307



Four Ballerini & Fratini photos of Eritrean female types. B

Price: $100.00

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41 Baratti photos of Eritrean types and habits. B

Price: $990.00

eth304ETH 304


Four original photos showing Ethiopian prisoners taken in April, 1936. Shows a high ranking fitaurari and capo. B

Price: $200.00

eth303ETH 303eth303aETH 303

Three Luce photos of Italian troops entering Macalle, one of which shows the Bersaglieri, which is rare. A third photo shows the residence of Ras Gugsa. Three Luce photos of activity at Adigrat. Shows Italians pursuing fleeing Abyssinians, headquarters of the former Italian consulate and truck convoy. B

Price: $240.00

Note: Gugsa was a traitor and collaborated with the Italians, who bestowed on him the title “Ras”. Shortly thereafter his home, shown above, was burned by Ethiopian patriots.

eth302ETH 302



12 original photos of senior Italian officers and the Governor of Eritrea (Zoli) participating in a military fantasia in Asmara, c1928. Rare. B

Price: $500.00

eth299ETH 299


Four photos taken by a soldier at from October 1937 to January 1938. Shown are the rail stations at Gora and Messo (rare), local market and indigenous quarter at Dire Daua. All captioned on reverse. B

Price: $100.00

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Homogeneous collection of 54 large format photos of Ethiopian scenes and types taken in 1939. B

Price: $1080.00

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