Photo Collections
Official photo album showing all the relevant geography and dispositions of the Battle of Adua. Shows in detail 22 different fold-out views of the battle geography. This is a numbered copy, belonging to Lieutenant Colonel Alfieri Sebastiano. Very rare. B RESERVED
Price: $2000.00
Large homogenous collection of photo snaps taken by a Blackshirt officer in Ethiopia. He was partial to the local population and he took mostly photos of local life, at both ends of the economic spectrum; interesting photo of the headquarters of the Gondrand transport company (a company made famous by a massacre by Ethiopian rebels); numerous photos of street scenes in Addis Abeba, including the obelisk; numerous marked graves are shown; fascist monuments; ascaris in formation during an important military ceremony; rare photos of an Eritrean Company of Red Cross workers; view of Amba Alagi (the last hold-out of Italian troops in WW2); Menelik statue in Addis Abeba; troop transports; rare photo of Eritrean boys scouts marching and giving the fascist salute; photo of Ethiopian noble aligned with the Italians; officers with Eritrean NCO’s; numerous photos of individual soldiers; soldiers with local women; dead Ethiopian rebel, awarding medals to ascaris; rare photo of elite Eritrean guards, hunting and killing rebels in the field; rare photo of Ascari cavalry; local banda (gang); friendship with local children; local noble; much more. 321 snaps, no captions, 4 Agfa photo boxes. B
Price: $1700.00
Rare photo of Eritrean football champ Zoli, receiving an award for his teams victory October, 1945 at Cicero field.
Price: $70.00
Note from Wikipedia: Cicero stadium was built in 1938 during the Italian occupation by the Italian businessman Francesco Cicero. It was later used by the GS Asmara, the team winner of the first football championships in Eritrea with the Asmara-born Luciano Vassalo.
Photo album belonging to an Italian officer fighting in Ethiopia. He was with the 49th Artillery Regiment of the 26th Infantry Division “Assietta”. The Assietta was classified as a mountain infantry division, which meant that the division's artillery was moved by pack mules instead of the horse-drawn carriages of line infantry divisions. Shown are ascaris on the move; a soldier holding a likeness of Mussolini amidst a crowd of Eritrean workers; two banda kissing each other; humorous camp life; fraternization between Italians and locals; barracks in the field; standing over a dead rebel; children giving the fascist salute; much on the military in the field. 344 photos, no captions. B
Price: $2000.00
Note from Wikipedia: ETH 415
ETH 415In preparation for the Second Italo-Abyssinian War the division was mobilized on 6 August 1935 with the 38th and 63rd infantry regiments and the 25th Artillery Regiment and was shipped in September to Libya. In January 1936 the division moved to Eritrea, while the 25th Artillery Regiment entered the provisional 126th Infantry Division Assietta II, which had arrived in Libya in March 1936 with the 62nd Infantry Regiment "Sicilia" and the 81st Infantry Regiment "Torino". After landing in Massawa in Eritrea in January 1936 the Assietta received the 49th Artillery Regiment and moved to the Endaga Robo-Enticho-Dek’emhāre region. Then it moved its headquarters to Mek'ele, guarding a front from Doghea to Kwīhā. The Assietta participated in the Battle of Amba Aradam in February 1936, fighting mostly in defence. Some detachments of the Assietta were used to reinforce the left flank of the 27th Infantry Division "Sila". On 2 March 1936 the Assietta blocked the retreat route of the Ethiopian Army on the front from Yereserē to Edai. But the Ethiopians bypassed the Assietta, breaking through Italian lines further to the east on their way to Amba Alagi. The Assietta, now used as a rear area guard force, followed in March–April 1936 first to Aderat and Amba Alagi and then to Atzalo and Aiba. After the war's conclusion the division was used for mopping-up operations south of Lake Ashenge. The division's last garrison in Ethiopia was the city of Dessie from September 1936 until the orders to return to Italy were received on 2 February 1937.
27 photos taken by an Italian officer in Asmara during an important military ceremony on November 11. The governor is awarding a medal to a number of local nobles; rare photo of Ascari cavalry during the event; Ascaris and governor marching before the crowd; local noble kissing the foot of the governor; arrival at Addis Abeba on July 9, 1936; the Duca d’Acona and Viceroy Graziani inaugurating a building with the local bishop in Addis Abeba. Most photos captioned on reverse but difficult to read in some cases and photos were removed from a photo album. B
Price: $780.00
45 photos on postcard stock of Occupied Ethiopia. Shown are Ascaris of the 1st Battalion giving gymnastic training to local children at Adi Ugri; mosque in Asmara; rare photo of Italians building an aqueduct; Coptic clergy; fascist motifs at an entrance to a fort outside Addis Abeba; Italians fraternizing with local chiefs and children; local nobility; proud Ascaris with their NCO; General Graziani with elite Ascari cavalry; Italian doctor aiding local children; Bersaglieri general with Eritrean nobles; Italian officer with local children; Italian priest giving mass to both Italian and Ascari troops; rare photo of Ascari dressed in both military fatigues and traditional warrior dress; an Italian officer and his wife; ETH 412Italian general shaking hands with the leader of a local banda; Italian officer and his young servant; local banda; rare photo of the Trucchi Monte Film company (“Film Tricks”) in the field; rare photo of the traitor Haile Selassie Gugsa being saluted by General Badoglio; Massawa architecture; Macalle; Adrogat; officer with 2 prisoners; more. Almost all not captioned. B
Price: $1400.00
29 large format photos of the Italian presence in Ethiopia. Shows damaged buildings; physical military training of Ethiopian youth; Duca d’Aosta; military families; local habitation; local markets; drawing water; local types; Coptic art; local child with a camera; Mussolini portrait on Gondar fortress; crossing a river at Mai Buie; Fantasia; Libyan Maharistes. No captions. B
Price: $850.00