Childrens Games

t-cg31CG 31



19th century French children’s game: Jeu de L’oi Renouvele des Grecs (Renewal of the Greeks). Size 28x40cm.

Price: $200.00

t-cg29CG 29t-cg29aCG 29


French war game produced in 1945 titled Jouez au V. Complete in every sense and in remarkable condition. B

Price: $900.00

fa171FA 171fa171aFA 171



Childrens cut-out mobile on Senegal by Phosphatine Fallières. m

Price: $110.00

t-sa107SA 107



Unusual Boer War game of Dutch origin, c1900. Size 62x84cm. BMM EH

Price: $600.00

fa167FA 167fa167aFA 167


Children's cut-out of a Senegalese Trailleur by Chocolat Grondard. M

Price: $120.00

t-cpc163CPC 163



Colonial period French childrens cut out montage titled Le The. Size: 34x50cm. m

Price: $140.00

t-cg11CG 11


Italian childrens game Giuoco Del Tramway. Produced in the 1950's, measuring 50c34cm. Produced by Marca Stella.  M

Price: $200.00

t-cg09CG 09



UK childrens pop up book of How Columbus Discovered America. Printed in Czecholsovakia. M AH

Price: $200.00

pl039PL 039pl039aPL 039pl039bPL 039


A very rare early 1950’s game titled THIS IS ISRAEL. Complete with rules and box, size 24x40cm. Difficult to find games in both Hebrew and English. M

Price: $390.00

t-jpc747JPC 747t-jpc747aJPC 747



Childrens airship with propaganda message. Rare. mm

Price: $150.00

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