Childrens Games

t-cpc158CPC 158t-cpc158aCPC 158


Vintage Spanish board game Viaje de Europa a China. It includes instruction sheet but the box and pieces are missing. Size 31x43cm. m

Price: $120.00

t-jpc745JPC 745t-jpc745aJPC 745



Japanese childrens card game featuring the flags of Italy, Germany and Japan. Rare. m

Price: $300.00

t-mob114MOB 114t-mob114aMOB 114t-mob114a1MOB 114Vintage BOO BOOGY MANS super puzzle. A Sherm's Creation from Bridgeport, Conn. "A tale of three missionaries who were stranded on an island with three cannibals." Original box in very good vintage condition. Box measures 4"x3". AH

Price: $290.00

t-cg03CG 03t-cg03aCG 03


1794 English childrens game, Wallis’s Tour of Europe. Complete including original boxed packet. Size: 49 x 70cm. M

Price: $990.00


Complete game Little Black Sambo, produced by Caraco-Ellis in 1953. The board has seperated and reattached poorly but this is easily repaired. M

Price: $400.00

t-peh180PEH180 Boxed set of SNAP!, complete with instructions. Made in England. Only cover is of Diaspora interest

Price: $120.00


t-cep162CEP 162t-cep162aCEP 162


Childrens game commemorating the 1928 flight of the "Jesus del Gran Poder" in 1928, crossing the Atlantic and reaching a number of Sourth American cities. Missing the ball, otherwise complete. Size: 18 x 26 cm. Very rare. M

Price: $999.00

t-peh184PEH184 Boxed set of playing cards featuring the Belgian Colonial Lottery on each card.  ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $95.00


mp222MP 222mp222aMP 222

Unusual and rare complete set of Spanish Cromos Instructivos Recortables, Mapa de Africa. Done in the 1920’s, each card contains an African motif as well as a piece of the puzzle to be cut out. The 60 cut out pieces form the complete map of Africa. Each back contains advertising as well as some notes about the region on the front of the card. It has taken me 15 years to complete this set. M

Price: $1100.00

t-ww354WW 354



A World War 2 Dutch parody of Hitler. “Where is the 5th pig”. m

Price: $200.00

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