Childrens Games

t-jpc300JPC 300


Set of cards of the story of the Kamakura battle, box included. Dates from the 1930’s. M

Price: $390.00

t-jpc299JPC 299t-jpc299aJPC 299

Japanese game Hyakunin Ishu, or "100 poems of 100 poets", a Heian classic poetry anthology. Complete. M

Price: $290.00

t-jpc298JPC 298t-jpc298aJPC 298

Hanafunda playing cards. “Game of the Flowers”. Complete with all 48 cards, in 12 series to represent each month of the year, and original box. Taisho Period C1920. M

Price: $400.00

t-jpc282JPC 282t-jpc282aJPC 282


WW2 Japanese Soldier pocket game. M

Price: $170.00

t-epm086EPM 086



Childrens cut out of motor boat with fascist logos by Cartoccino, likely done in 1928. Size 35x48. M AH

Price: $180.00

t-epm084EPM 084


1928 classroom geometry teaching aid utilizing military/fascist themes. Produced by Cartocciino. Size 29x40cm. Complete and rare as such. M AH

Price: $490.00

t-ww359WW 359



Childrens cut-out of the French Resistance. AH

Price: $150.00

t-scw120SCW 120


1939 board game of the Spanish Civil War - ENTRY IN MADRID - 4players.  Very rare. Size: 34 x 34 cm. M AH

Price: $600.00

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