World War 1 & 2

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Collection of 64 French press photos clearly intended to boost French morale during the early stage of the German invasion of France. All but a couple are well captioned on reverse. m

Price: $1300.00

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Complete set of puzzle postcards issued in World War 1 titled La Gaite a la Caserne. m

Price: $500.00

t-ww366WW 366Archive belonging to a French Lieutenant (then later Captain) with the 2nd Colonial Infantry Regiment named Jean Bernard Escard. He served in Germany during WW2, then transferred to Tonkin and Cambodia and later Algeria, Madagascar and Senegal. Included is a full diary covering his time in Indochina in 1945-1946, with artwork, loose news clippings, a menu, etc. Also two small notebooks dated 1939 and 1941 where he made notes. Numerous documents from his assignments in Senegal, Madagascar, Algeria. Over 50 pages of documents, some marked SECRET, 3 photo albums containing over 230 real photos. Most prolific is his time in Indochina. M

Price: $1200.00

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Otto Kriegsmann ou L’Occupation Allemande en Touraine. Published in Tours, 1945. m

Price: $120.00

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Prisonniers de Guerre, by Jean-Pierre Laurens. m

Price: $290.00

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French anti-German art book Biroulet sous a Botte, by Raymond Sempe. m

Price: $290.00

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Two 1938 Czech propaganda postcards plus one early postwar. M

Price: $120.00

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“What a War”, by Gilbert Wilkinson, 2nd Series. 128 pages of cartoons. m

Price: $290.00

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A World War 2 Dutch parody of Hitler. “Where is the 5th pig”. m

Price: $200.00

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A collection of 23 Finnish propaganda postcards from the Russo-Finnish War and World War 2. m

Price: $1000.00

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Complete set of 6 satirical French postcards on World War 1. m

Price: $200.00

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An Anti-British Italian publication Prigioniera nel mare, published in Rome, 1940. m

Price: $150.00

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Anti-British Italian publication Come l’Inghilterra ha predato il suo Impero, published in Rome, 1940. m

Price: $150.00

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Rare set of 4 anti-Social Republica postcards issued in Italy. M

Price: $300.00

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Interesting set of 6 Italian propaganda postcards showing France beating back German and Austria-Hungary. M

Price: $300.00

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French anti-semitic publication Un Bon Francais….Rare. m

Price: $390.00

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1946 French publication Camps de Mort. Photo images of 20 Nazi death camps, both famous and less well known camps depicted. m

Price: $200.00

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World War 1 set of humor puzzle postcards on the French infantry. M

Price: $400.00

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OFLAGS. A detailed photographic account of all aspects of life in French POW camps in Germany. Photos by Jean Plessy. Produced in 1946. m

Price: $400.00

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Complete art folio by Georges Bertand on Les Villes Martyres. 12 pieces. They depict damage done during the Great War. m

Price: $400.00

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