World War 1 & 2

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Two German photo albums from 1936. The first is mainly from Dresden, but other smaller cities as well. Shows life in a city all but destroyed in 1945. 146 photos in all, some with captions and dates. The second is in a nice Olympics commemorative album (but no pics of the Olympics). Shows Cologne, Hanover, Berlin, Potsdam, Dresden, Prague, Munich, Nuremberg, Budapest, Vienna. 81 photos in all. Nicely captioned. A good cross section of Germany and East Europe pre-war. m

Price: $300.00

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t-ww282WW 282 Six World War 1 puzzle cards featuring the peaceful French. When you slide the bottom down then the evil Huns appear. Rare to find intact. M

Price: $900.00

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Two issues of Gioventu ‘in Armi. Issues 4 and 7. M

Price: $200.00

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Collection of 37 letters (in original envelopes) to a soldier of Italian descent from Trieste, fighting with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His name was Ferruccio Cirillo. The letters are from his father and what appears to be his sweetheart. He is based in Vienna. They all date from 1918. What makes this collection interesting is that Trieste became part of Italy after World War 1 and here we have an Italian fighting for Austria-Hungary. m

Price: $450.00

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Ministero Della Guerra notice TACI! Warning the public to secrecy. 1941. M

Price: $120.00

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Liquor label “Anis Wilson” produced by Francisco Alvarez in Constantina Rhodes. Rare. M

Price: $75.00

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French childrens game relating the the National Lottery Lottery. Size 10.5x16 inches. M

Price: $100.00

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Three World War 1 Italian POW related letters. One is a letter to an Italian POW in Manthausen, another is from a POW in Vienna to his family in Palermo and another from a POW in Wurtenburg. B

Price: $30.00

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Set of four Italian World War 1 propaganda postcards. Artwork by Malus. M

Price: $100.00

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Eight World War 1 propaganda postcards using children as the patriotic theme. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $160.00

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German pro-Turkish postcard from World War 1. B

Price: $30.00

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Italian patriotic postcard from 1912, note the fascist symbol, 7 years before the fascists took over the country. M

Price: $30.00

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Collection of over 100 letters from Italian POW Erneto Dondini to his wife in Italy. He was a prisoner in India. While POW letters are not uncommon, India is less common and large collection all from the same POW are rarer still. M

Price: $2000.00

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Set of 12 hand-painted cartoons of Black Shirts. Reverse is military issue stationary. M

Price: $600.00

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Three Italian Social Republica broadsides that are anti-American and anti-communist. Size: 16x22cm. M

Price: $350.00

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Set of 5 diaries written by Lieutenant Colonel Luigi Gaioni. These are #4-8 of what appears to be an 8 diary set (or perhaps there were only the 4 because in the beginning he describes how he has to rely on his memory to recall events). He dedicates the diaries to his wife. They are written after the war ended so it is effectively his memoirs during the war. It begins on March 18, 1943 and ends on May 20, 1944. The blank pages of the last diary indicate that this is when he stopped writing. He was in Russia and was a prisoner. M

Price: $990.00

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Spanish cartoon booklet satirizing nazi Germany, titled Sofismas del Lexico Militar Aleman. MB

Price: $190.00

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A March 1943 issue of Voce Germanica. This is a Nazi publication translated into Italian for the Italian public. The propaganda is noteworthy, with articles such as ‘Le Sensazionali Dichiarazioni di una Rivista Nordamericana’ and ‘Cattivo Trattamento ai Soldati Negri dell’Esercito Nordamericano’. 12 pages. M

Price: $150.00

German anti-British propaganda booklet Hinter den Zigarren-Wolken. m

Price: $220.00

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1945 World War II, Jon'sTwo types in Italy, edited by British Army Newspapes Unit in Italy. British propaganda during the occupation of Italy, 71 pages. Size: 24 x 17cm. M

Price: $350.00

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