Spanish Civil War /History

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Figueirido Central Prison (Pontevedra) ledger providing the names and comments on 986 prisoners, the majority of which were from Asturias. Dated August 1938. 29 pages in all. Size 34x23.5cm. Rare. M 

Price: $900.00

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Three court documents relating to a doctor who served in the Republican Navy. His name was Dr. Jose Ros Costa. The first document, dated November 3, 1939, is the notice for him to go to trial. The second document, dated February 5, 1940 is the notice of the amount of time he has to serve in prison. The third document is the notice that he has been pardoned and let free on a special amnesty day. One document is split in half but easily repaired. M

Price: $190.00

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Interesting advertising book by the Spanish insurance company Cervantes SA, titled “Y Manana…? Published in 1945. It is advertising the benefits of insurance and the risk without it. Great artwork by Gil. m

Price: $180.00

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This is a draft of a manual for military operations prepared by Chief Colonel Eduardo Fuentes, of the 7th Military Region in Valadolid, in 1939. He was an officer in a tank division. There are 4 chapters, all written by hand: 1) Receiving a Mission, 2) Examining the terrain, 3) the situation of the enemy, 4) Planning an operation, 5) Execution of the maneuver. There is also a 5 page section entitled FINAL where he talks of a specific battle. Other notes as well. M

Price: $550.00

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An unusual document. It concerns a machinery purchase made in 1934 by Juan Giro Prat, with payment terms over 6 years. With the fascists now in power, the loan is referred to as “red coin money”, with the obvious communist connection. Loans made before the war had to be converted to the new currency. 90,000 “red” pesetas were now equal to 5,000 pesetas. A 4 page 1940 document. M

Price: $120.00

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 Set of 8 large format Italian anti-communist/pro-fascist propaganda postcards created during the Spanish Civil War by famed Italian fascist artist Boccasile. Rare. M

Price: $1200.00

Note: Gino Boccasile (14 July 1901 – 10 May 1952) was an Italian illustrator. Born in Bari, Boccasile was the son of a perfumer. Early in his youth he lost his left eye, when a drop of quicklime fell into it while he drank from a fountain. Nonetheless, he showed a precocious aptitude for design and completed studies at the fine art school of his home town. After the death of his father in 1925, he moved to Milan. Despite some initial difficulties, he eventually gained a post at the Mauzan-Morzenti Agency. Over the next few years he produced posters, illustrated fashion magazines and gained fame for his sensuous renderings of the female form. Following the lead of fellow poster artist Achille Mauzan, Boccasile went to Buenos Aires, where he met his future spouse Alma Corsi. In 1932 he moved to Paris, where an issue of “Paris Tabou” was dedicated to his work. He also participated in the Salon des Indépendants, that same year. Shortly after returning to Milan, he opened a publicity agency called ACTA, in Galleria del Corso, with his friend Franco Aloi. He illustrated for the Italian periodicals "La Donna" (1932), "Dea" and "La Lettura" (1934), "Bertoldo" (1936), "Il Milione" (1938), "L'Illustrazione del Medico" (1939), "Ecco", "Settebello" and "Il Dramma" (1939) and designed many book covers for Mondadori and Rizzoli.

A supporter of Benito Mussolini, Boccasile produced propaganda material for his government, including several racist and anti-semitic posters. As the tide of war turned against Fascism he became more involved in it, becoming a supporter of the German puppet state, RSI, established by Mussolini in Northern and Central Italy after his liberation from the Gran Sasso exile. Boccasile enlisted in the Italian SS Division, drawing their recruitment posters and illustrating propaganda material. After the war he was imprisoned and tried for collaborating with the fascists. Though acquitted, he remained an outcast. He could not find work for several years as his notoriety was feared by prospective employers. He supported himself briefly by doing pornographic sketches for English and French publishers, and by 1946, after changing his style, Boccasile was back at work. He set up his own agency in Milan where he created memorable posters for Paglieri cosmetics, Chlorodont toothpaste, Iperchina liquors and Zenith footwear. He died in Milan, from bronchitis and pleurisy, in 1952.

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Complete collection of 20 postcards produced in Spain in 1994 entitled “They Died for the Cause of Jesus”. It tells the story of the execution of the 51 Claretian missionaries at Barbastro on August 18, 1936. Artwork by J. Beruete. Cover included. M

Price: $400.00

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A 4 page Falange program of events, Toledo, June 1941. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $90.00

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1937-1941 requisition records for the installation of the 8th Artillery Command Army Corps. M

Price: $190.00

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A 42 page booklet published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Documents Relating to the Treatment of Nazi Germany, 1938-1939. I was printed in London in 1939. M 

Price: $110.00

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Group of 4 French press photos on the rise of the fascists in Spain, 1933-1934. Well captioned on reverse. M

Price: $100.00

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Three French communist bulletins on the developments in the Spanish Civil War. 28 pages in total. Lots of detail from the point of view of the French Left Wing. M

Price: $270.00

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French Communist periodical Femmes. December 1936. Mostly on the Spanish Civil War. m

Price: $120.00

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Small archive of the 1937 disciplinary proceeding against the owner of four vehicles for not giving them up (citizens were to give up their vehicles to the Cause). ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $360.00

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Price: $120.00

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Three Falange broadsides against Marxism. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $840.00

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Poster to erect a monument to Primo de Rivera, original, good condition. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $150.00

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Soldiers letter from the Catalunia Front, with censor. Dated June 10, 1938. He was with the 50 Divisional Automobile Group. M

Price: $52.00

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8 postcard size images of the Civil War. M

Price: $160.00

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Military diploma, Madrid, 1958. M

Price: $160.00

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