Spanish Civil War /History

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Directive from the Military Command of Puerto Santa Maria relating to telephone censorship and the willingness to grant a phone licence for business needs. 1938. m

Price: $90.00

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ARMY CHIEF OF GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE SOUTH, PUERTO SANTA MARIA. Directive concerning military censorship of the telephones, April 20, 1938. m

Price: $80.00

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1938 military censorship instructions from the Army General Chief for the South. m

Price: $90.00

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Military Command PTO Santa Maria, Cadiz, 1938. It describes telephone censorship for hotels, businesss, individuals, prostitutes, talking with leading people, for anyone suspected of loyalty to the Regime. m

Price: $180.00

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Diary of a soldier fighting in Chiva, Valencia, May-July 1937. 22 pages. It is a log book of the Commander of the Guard of the assault on the village of Chiva. It records the soldiers standing guard and any unusual activity. m

Price: $350.00

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Northern Army Pass for Don Jose Maria Guinot Galan to go from Zaragoza to Tarrega to join up with the American 23rd regiment (ABL Brigade?). m

Price: $120.00

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Military registration, Catalunya, 1936. m

Price: $70.00

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Citation for Luis Olos, Valencia, 1937. m

Price: $90.00

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Certificate of exemption from military service for medical reasons, 1938. m

Price: $120.00

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Two letters with patriot motif of Franco, Villarral and Santona, 1938. m

Price: $90.00

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Military document, Rear Battalion No. 4, Valencia, 1938. m

Price: $90.00

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Military Command document, Valencia, 1936. m

Price: $90.00

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UGT Manifesto, Valencia, 1936. m

Price: $90.00

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Inventory of the contents of a Republican school, Valencia, 1937. m

Price: $100.00

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Two Catalan propaganda film programs produced in 1937 and 1938 by Lava Films. Very rare. m

Price: $400.00

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t-scw450SCW 450

Spanish Civil War period card game Espana y Sus Banderas. It is complete with original package and playing instructions. It was possibly issued by a more conservative group such as the Falange, Carlists or Catholics. It shows flags for Germany, Italy, Morocco and Portugal. A rare item. MM

Price: $500.00

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t-scw448SCW 448

Collection of photos taken by an Italian soldier named Guido Gambardella, fighing with the Black Arrows in Spain in 1937. He was with a heavy machine gun unit with the VIII Group. Photos of embarking at the station at Azuaga for the frontlines. Photos of Italian and Spanish fascist flags, marching on the Guadalcanal road, photo signed by famed fighter Fernando Tanucci, Cuercca, Oruagara, rare photos of Italian light tankettes, rare photo of a Bersaglieri (as there were no Bersaglieri with the Black Arrows, very rare photo of Arconovaldo Bonaccorsi (“conqueror of Majorca) and nicknamed Conde Rossi or General Aldo Rossi and stamped with name on reverse. The collection dates from June/July 1937, shortly after Franco blended the Italian units into mixed “Arrow” Brigades, the last photo is from a friend named Rudolfa saying “remember our days”. 24 photos, many captioned. Mt-scw448aSCW 448

Price: $1200.00

Note: Fernando Tanucci Nannini (1896-1981) received two promotions for war merit, was wounded twice and took part in 12 campaigns. He volunteered into the Bersagliere and served in World War 1, participated in the Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939 and was Commander of the Regiment GG.FF. (Young Fascists), from 1940-1942. His most notable feat in Africa was leading a battalion of 600 Young Fascists alson the Gobi caravan hub on the road to El Alamein in combat against the British. After the war he was a Senator.

t-scw448bSCW 448Arconovaldo Bonaccorsi (1898–1962), was a fanatical and idealistic fascist from the first moment he met Benito Mussolini after World War I. In 1922 he participated in the March on Rome as leader of the fascists from Bologna. He graduated from the Universita di Bologna as attorney in 1928, and soon started to work as a lawyer defending Italian fascists. In the early 1930s he married and had 3 children.

His moment of glory came when Mussolini sent him to the Balearic Islands at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. In Majorca, having arrived in August 1936, he was known as 'Conde Rossi', a name that derived from his red beard. There, he was soon able to "galvanize" the nationalists and obtained a huge victory at Manacor against the Republicans. On December 14, 1936 the British prime minister t-scw448cSCW 448Anthony Eden wrote a memorandum to his government were he pinpointed that Italy could create a "Protectorate" in Majorca which put pressure on Mussolini to withdraw Bonaccorsi from the Baleares islands (where he had just conquered Ibiza with 500 Falangists).As a consequence, in February 1937, Bonaccorsi was promoted to "General of the Blackshirts" (Console delle Milizie fasciste) and sent to the Malaga front with the Italian corps (CTV). He never returned to Majorca. He later served in Italian Ethiopia, where he complained to Mussolini about the dire conditions of the Italian Empire in case of war. Bonaccorsi participated in the 1940 conquest of British Somaliland as military commander of the "Reparto Speciale Autonomo della Milizia fascista", a unit made of 300 Italian Commando. He was a prisoner of war from 1941–1946; after the war he resumed his legal and political activities, and defended German General Otto Wagener, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for atrocities he had committed in Rhodes during World War II. In 1949, Bonaccorsi created the "Associazione Nazionale Combattenti Italiani di Spagna (ANCIS)" and in the same year applied for membership in the neofascist political party "MSI". Bonaccorsi was a candidate for the Italian Social Movement (MSI) in 1958. He died in 1962 in Rome. The Italian newspaper Il Secolo d'Italia praised him with a funeral article, which noted that he was one of the few military commanders who received medals for combat valor from three countries (Italy, Spain and Germany).

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Six wartime bulletins from the Municipality of Vilanova I la Geltru in the province of Barcelona. It was published by the C.N.T. – F.A.I. Different size paper in each case as the Municipality used whatever paper they could find on any given day. M

Price: $150.00

t-scw441SCW 441


1939 Falange identiy card. M 

Price: $25.00

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Panorama de L’Indisciplinat. This is a Republican propaganda pamphlet railing against the lack of discipline in the popular army. Published in Barcelona in April 1937. M

Price: $250.00

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