Spanish Civil War /History

t-scw021SCW 021


Postcard issued to support the freedom of the Russian anti-fascists interred at Karaganda. M

Price: $70.000

t-scw019SCW 019


Collection of 5 vintage red cross postcards of Republican figures in the Spanish Civil War. Shown are D. Felipe Diaz Sandino, Perez Farras, General Villalba and Juan Fernandez. Described on reverse. M

Price: $300.000

t-scw019aSCW 019 t-scw019bSCW 019 t-scw019cSCW 019 t-scw019dSCW 019

t-scw014SCW 014t-scw014aSCW 014



Spanish Book !18 de Julio! Dos Anos de Guerra. No author or date. 47 pages, with maps. M

Price: $90.00

los dos bieniosSCW 012los dos bieniosSCW 012



La revolucion y sus complices. Los Dos Bienios. Recordatoro Grafico Recordatorio Grafico de Bolsillo del a Coleccion ''Al Servicio del Pueblo''. 1936. 197 pages full of photographic images. M

Price: $150.00

letter for employment in Rome for Gatti RenatoSCW 008


This is a reference letter for employment in Rome for Gatti Renato, a Legionnaire with the 321st Legion who fought in Spain. M

Price: $65.00

 Horrors of WarSCW 003 Horrors of WarSCW 003

Set of 55 cards, 1938, from Horrors of War, by Gum Inc., Philadelphia. The complete set amounts to 288 cards and covers the subjects of the Japanese invasion of China, the Spanish Civil War, the invasion of Ethiopia, and ending with Hitlers conference in Munich. The collection offered here is the subset of cards dealing with the Spanish Civil War. All described on back. Titles include: Murder at a Monarchists Funeral, Big Shells Kill Madrid Children at Play, Mob Burns a Madrid Cathedral, Surrender of Rebels at Teruel, Women Fighters in Action in Spain, Women Photographer Crushed by Loyalist Tank, Crack Rebel Cavalry Attacks Loyalists, Bombed Church Dome Crushes War Orphans, Planes Dump Explosives in Lerida School, Setting Off Propaganda Rockets in Spain, etc, etc. A rare set of cards in relatively good condition.

Price: $1700.00

COMPLETE COLLECTIONS OF SPANISH TRADE CARDS ON THE RIF WAR (1921-1926). The Rif War, also called the Second Moroccan War, was fought from 1921-1926 between Spain (later assisted by France) and the Berbers of the Rif mountainous region. Led by Abd al-Karim, the Rifs at first defeated the Spanish forces by using guerrilla tactics and captured European weapons. After France's entry into the conflict and the massive landing of Spanish troops at Al Hoceima, al-Karim surrendered to the French and went to exile. Despite victory, controversy in Spain over the conduct of the war led to a military coup by General Miguel Primo de Rivera in 1923, the end of the Spanish monarchy in 1931 and foreshadowed the Spanish Civil War of 1936–39. I am pleased to offer 6 different sets of Spanish chocolate cards on this war. They were likely issued during the brief Republican period because although there are images of the Spanish Legion, there are no images of Franco.

t-mr014MR 014t-mr014aMR 014

Complete set of 25 trade cards by Spanish company Chocolates Gullen entitled La Ofensiva en Africa, showing Spain and France as allies in the war in Morocco. Rare. M

Price: $750.00

25 cards Guerra Melilla 1921 Series B by Spanish Cacao Juncosa, 1922ME 00725 cards Guerra Melilla 1921 Series B by Spanish Cacao Juncosa, 1922ME 007


Complete collection of 14 cards Guerra Melilla 1922 Series B by Spanish Cacao Juncosa. Descriptions and advertising on back. Very graphic. RARE. M eh

Price: $400.00

La Ofensiva Franco-Espanola Spanish Chocolate Amatller, c1910.ME 021La Ofensiva Franco-Espanola Spanish Chocolate Amatller, c1910.ME 021


Complete 25 card collection La Ofensiva Franco-Espanola by Spanish Chocolate Amatller. Rare. MB eh

Price: $725.00

c1920, the war in MoroccoME 113c1920, the war in MoroccoME 113


Complete set of 50 trade cards by Spanish Chocolates Guillen, c1920 of the war in Morocco. Series A and B. Rare. M eh

Price: $1500.00

t-scw335SCW 335Spanish Civil War in 1937 - 1938, Notebook with coloring sheets illustrated by Falange artist LAOKIN. The notebook is stapled, measuring 29.5 x 23 cm. and retains the original protective cover. It consists of 6 sheets and 6 color pattern sheets in black and white to be colored. political education for children whose theme is the triumph of the Falange over Communism. Scenes with military parades, Falangists greetings, Spanish flags, flag of the Third Reich, Social Relief women, communist prisoners, etc. Rare, especially in this condition. M

Price: $490.00

t-scw335bSCW 335 t-scw335eSCW 335 t-scw335aSCW 335
t-scw335fSCW 335 t-scw335cSCW 335 t-scw335dSCW 335

t-scw239SCW 239t-scw239aSCW 239

Estampas de la Revolucion Espanola 19 Julio de 1936.  

Price: $800.00

t-scw239bSCW 239 t-scw239cSCW 239 t-scw239dSCW 239 t-scw239eSCW 239
t-scw239fSCW 239 t-scw239SCW 239g t-scw239hSCW 239 t-scw239iSCW 239

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