MP 080
MP 080Croquois da posticao de combate em Naulila. Plate IV and V..Plan of the fighting at Naulila. Unknown c1918. Size: 41 x 36 and 22 x 33cm. M
Price: $150.00
Note: Naulila is a town in Cunene Province in southern Angola, located on the Cunene River which separates Angola and Namibia. It was the scene of fighting between Portuguese Angola and German South West Africa during the early stages of World War I. On October 19, 1914, a German military column crossed the border and entered Angola without authorization from the Portuguese authorities. The column was intercepted by Portuguese forces and conducted to Fort Naulila. At Naulila, a dispute occurred between the Portuguese and the Germans which resulted in the death of three German officers. On October 31, the Germans under the command of Oswald Ostermann retaliated, and raided the Portuguese fort at Cuangar, destroying the fort and killing all stationed border guards with machine-guns. This was later referred to as the "Cuangar Massacre". On December 18–19, Victor Franke led a successful retaliatory attack, defeating the Portuguese at Naulila.
A collection of 18 out of 20 postcards on the map series Africa Orientale by S. A. Il Mondo Geografico of Milan. Subjects include the conquest of Eritrea between 1885 and 1896 (actually the Italians conquered nothing and lost heavily at the battle of Adua, but Menelik was shrewd enough to create a buffer with a weak neighbour than face the much stronger English and hence gave Eritrea to Italy), explorations, various battle fronts, interesting map of the creation of Abyssinia by various internal conquests between 1883 to 1935, climate, populations, religion, vegetation and minerals. B
Price: $400.00
Ethiopia Transportation & Administration. Interesting in that it reads ' The International Boundaries shown in this map are not necessarily those recognized by the Imperial Ethiopian Government. Eight years later the Emperor was murdered. Printed by: Imperial Ethiopian Mapping & Geography Institute (Ethiopia) Dated: 1966. Size: 61x62 cm. Scale: 1:280000. M EH
Price: $160.00