Algeria, Tunisia

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8 early colonial postcards of a parade of Tuareg chiefs and festivities.

Price: $240.00

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10 early colonial postcards of staged photos of children begging and military kids.

Price: $400.00

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12 early colonial postcards of Algeria jews and synagogues.

Price: $400.00

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24 early colonial postcards of Spahis, Goums and Meharistes in Algeria.

Price: $760.00

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12 early colonial postcards of Chasseurs d’Afrique in Algeria.

Price: $360.00

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67 early colonial postcards of colonial redoubts and garrisons as well as French troops all based in Algeria.

Price: $0.00

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28 mostly studio photos of North African troops in Europe during WW1 and shortly after.

Price: $840.00

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16 early colonial postcards of various phosphate and other mining operations in Algeria.

Price: $480.00

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2 late colonial pop-up postcards of Algeria.

Price: $100.00

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9 early political humor cards of Algeria.

Price: $360.00

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