Algeria, Tunisia

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41 colonial postcards of smaller towns in Algeria: Marengo, Michelet, Menerville, Mouzaiville, M’Chouneche, Misserghin, Mansourah, Melika, Maison-Blanche, Mercier-Lacombe, Moghrar-Foukani, Mac Mahon, Meskiana, Mila, M’zab, Maison-Carree.

Price: $1230.00

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57 colonial postcards of Medea (Until 1962 Médéa was a garrison town for the French army).

Price: $1710.00

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36 colonial postcards of lesser known Algerian towns: Lalla-Maghrnia, La Calle, Lido, Lalla Marnia, L’Aures, Lamy, Lamoriciere, Lambese, Laverdure, L’Arba, Le Kreider, Le Telagh. Local, colonial and architectural interest. Some postcards sent during the Independence War.

Price: $1080.00

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56 colonial postcards of Laghouat. Colonial, local and architectural interest. Laghouat was a center of resistance against French colonial rule from 1831 under Sheikh Moussa Ibn Hassen El Misri. In 1852, France launched a punitive campaign to eradicate the resistance. The Siege of Laghouat began on 21 November and concluded with the storming of the town on 4 December. Several days of brutal massacres followed, which included one of the first recorded uses of chemical weapons on civilians. About two-thirds of the population perished, which became known locally as the Khalya (Arabic: emptiness). It also started a local tradition of protecting young boys from evil with an earring (then done to disguise them as girls). Other settlements quickly capitulated following the example set at Laghouat.

Price: $1680.00

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18 colonial postcards of Kouba and Khenchela. Some issued during the Independence war. In 1982, a mass grave containing more than 1200 corpses from the war of Algeria was discovered in Khenchela. It would be the largest ever discovered in Algeria. The authorities and the Algerian press attributed it to the French army, while others disputed this and suggested the victims may have been French harkis. .

Price: $540.00

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17 colonial postcards of Hussein Dey (named after the Ottoman provincial ruler of the Regency of Algiers) Inkermann (named after the famed Crimea war battle but now called Oued Rhiou )and In-Salah (now called Ain Salah is an oasis town once an important trade link in the trans-Saharan caravan route.

Price: $510.00

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47 early colonial and Independence War period postcards of lesser known towns in Algeria: Kattara, Khamissa, Khroub/Kroubs, Kerrata, Khanga-Sidi-Nadji, Kersaz, Kenadza, Kenifra, Kasbah-Tadla, Kreider, Hassi Messaoud, Hoggar, Hippone, Haoud-El-Hamra, Gafsa, Hassi-Messaoud, Joinville-Blida, Gorges du Chabet-El Akhra, Guyotville, Guillaumet, Gouraya, Geryville, Gambetta, Gabes. Good mix of colonial and local interest.

Price: $1410.00

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37 early colonial postcards of Hammam-Meskoutine, Hammam-R’Hira, Hammam-Righa, Hammam-Bou-Hadjar, Hammam-Melouane. Mainly colonial interest.

Price: $1100.00

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20 colonial postcards of Guelma. Mainly architecture and colonial interest. During the Sétif and Guelm massacre of 8 May 1945, numerous settlers were killed. After Independence all of the French settlers and indigenous jews left.

Price: $600.00

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44 colonial postcards of lesser known towns of Algeria: Chellala Reibell, Cap Caxine, Cheragas, Castiglione, Chrea, Courbet Marine, Djenan-Ed-dar, Dahraouia, Dayet-Aoua, Deldoul, Djemila, Djenien-Bou-Rezg, Georges Clemenceau, Eksi-Sou, El-Milia, El Ketar, El-Ateuf, El-Kseur, El-Hamel, El-Affroun, El-Aricha, El Biar, El-Mehdi, El-Djem, Fort Mahon, Forthassa-Gharbia, Foum-Tatahouine, Foundouk, Fort-de-l’Eau. Good colonial and local interest. Some postcards used during the Independence war.

Price: $1320.00

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