Algeria, Tunisia

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5 postcards of a military fete in Oran, April 1902.

Price: $150.00

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4 postcards of Algerian wine producer Ense cruce Aratro as well as 2 promo postcards by Emulsion Scott.

Price: $180.00

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4 postcards of the 1903 visit of the French President Loubet to Algeria. $150

Price: $150.00

Note: Staouëli Abbey is a former Trappist monastery located in Algeria . Created in 1843, the monastery was erected into an abbey on July 11, 1846 by Monsignor Louis-Antoine-Augustin Pavy . Charles de Foucauld resided there. The monks left it in 1904. This Trappe symbolized the presence of Christianity in Algeria for sixty years.

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18 early postcards of the Abbaye de N. D. de Staoueli. KN

Price: $540.00

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Set of 20 postcards commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1830 conquest of Algeria. Scenes et Types (B).

Price: $600.00

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Set of 20 postcards commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1830 conquest of Algeria. Kabylie.

Price: $600.00

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14 propaganda postcards issued by the Forces Militaire during the War of Independence. KN.

Price: $520.00

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7 Red Cross postcards stamped Union des Femmes de France, showing troops convalescing in Eckmuhl-Oran.

Price: $280.00

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7 colonial caricature cards of Algerians by artist R. Irriera.

Price: $210.00

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Algeria advert from the 1900 Paris Exhibition by Au Bon Marche.

Price: $100.00

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