
t-mob096MOB 096t-mob096aMOB 096t-mob096a1MOB 096


Japanese childrens book used by a missionary in Japan (marked Sister Teresa), early 20th century. She apparently used it to teach herself Japanese as she translates the pictures into Spanish. M

Price: $700.00

t-mob093MOB 093



Collection of 28 photos from the collection of Giorgio Torchia. He was charged in the 1930’s with photographing Catholic missionary activity and the lives of local people around the world. Shown are China, India, Algeria, Kenya, Belgian Congo, Senegal. m

Price: $2800.00

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Collection of hand-made greeting cards on local leaves from a Mission in India. 12 pieces in total. m

Price: $200.00

t-mob084MOB 084t-mob084aMOB 084


Old Scarce brochure Spain missoneros Jesuitas Bombay India living missions vocations. Valencia Aragon Baleares. m

Price: $60.00

t-mob082MOB 082t-mob082aMOB 082



Gesture. Nº 61. March – April 1991. Missionary Childhood. m

Price: $80.00

t-mob080MOB 080



Anales de las Franciscanas missioneras de Maria, year 55, January – February 1957.

Price: $80.00

t-mob078MOB 078



The Encyclopedia of Missions, Descriptive, Historical, Biographical, Statistical. Edited under the Auspices of the Bureau of Missions, by Recv. Henry Otis DWIGHT, Rev. H. Allen TUPPER, and Rev Edwin Munsell BLISS.B

Price: $120.00

t-mob077MOB 077



Missionary Heroines in Eastern Lands, by Mrs. E.R. PITMAN. B

Price: $90.00

t-mob076MOB 076



Directory of Christian Missions and Churches in India, Burma and Ceylon. 1940 1941. Published by The National Christian Council, Nagpur. B

Price: $120.00

t-mob075MOB 075t-mob075aMOB 075


Lives of great missionaries, 7 of the 13 sets are complete. Aguiluchos C1950. Good condition and Rare. m

Price: $490.00

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