La Novela de un Misionero, by G. Sagehomme, 1962. 205 pages. B
Price: $90.00
MOB 186
Three issues of Curzada Misionera. No’s 204 (December 1961), 318 (Jue 1971) and 323 (November 1971). Only 3 Spanish universities hold this. No USA university holds this
Price: $150.00
MOB 185
December 1982 issue of Selvas Amazonicas. No.59. Only the National Library of Spain
Price: $60.00
MOB 182
Coleccion Heroes de la Virtud. No.15. El Capitan de Dios. San Ignacio de Loyola II. B
Price: $90.00
MOB 180
Origenes de la Mision de Anking y Breve Idea de su Desarrollo. Anos 1865-1928. Published in 1929. 46 pages. B
Price: $90.00
MOB 179MOB 179
1960 Spanish sticker album titled Santa Infancia. All but one of the 100 stickers are present. Cover missing. B
Price: $250.00
MOB 177
Heroes del Apostolado Catolico. El Spiritu Misionero de San Luis Gonzaga. B 64 pages.
Price: $60.00
MOB 176
Brochure for the Misiones de las Selvas Amazonicas. B
Price: $25.00
MOB 175
Issues 78 and 79 of Spanish missionary periodical ID. Published by the Instituto Espanol de Misiones Extranjeras. Deals with both Catholic and Protestant issues in developing countries. Rare. B
Price: $100.00
MOB 174
Fray Junipero Serra El Gran Misionero Mallorquin, by Miguel Ramis, 1959. B 16 pages