MOB 1363 photos relating to famed Seventh Day Adventist missionaries Elders Shaw and Enoch in India. One talks about the place they are staying with Eld. Enoch; one talks about their ride on Rickshaw that costs 50 cents a day; and the other is their family portrait....one mentions Eld. Shaw; who may be the husband. M
Price: $100.00
Note: see this link and search Pastor Enoch: http://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/SAT/SAT19650601-V60-06.pdf The Enochs arrived in India in 1906 and were part of the first group of Seventh Day Adventists to establish a presence in Bombay. For more on Elders Shaw and Enoch see this link: http://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/MissionsQtrly/MQ19120629-V04-01.pdf The photos may have belonged to Sister Kelsey, who worked at the Bombay Mission.