
t-mob204MOB 204



Missionary comic book Saint Jean de Dieu. B

Price: $90.00

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Jeunesse et missions, #22.

Price: $80.00

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May 1942 issue of Anking. Size: 44 x 64cm. B

Price: $60.00

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Childrens missionary game Juego del Pqueno Javier. Secretariado Diocesano de Misiones. Complete with istructions and cover. BB

Price: $0.00

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Anecdotas Misioneras en Tailandia, Misiones Salesianas. By Cesare B Castellino, 2006. B

Price: $40.00

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11 issues of Coleccion Nuestros Santos, all published in 1944: March 19, 23, 25, April 13, 27, 30, May 14, 22, 26, 30,31. Not in Worldcat.


Price: $450.00

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Almanaque Claveriano 1952. Only the National Library of Spain and U Texas holds this. The later only one issue, 1948. B

Price: $90.00

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Protestante? By J. Simon, 1951. 126 pages. B

Price: $70.00

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De Cara A Cristo, by Francisco Albarracin, 1959. 164 pages. B

Price: $80.00

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7 Misioneros en Mono, by P. Luis Butera Vullo, 1962. 143 pages. B

Price: $70.00

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