
t-cep440CEP 440


1910 chromo card of Jamaica’s coat of arms, by Helmar cigarettes. B

Price: $25.00

t-cep412CEP 412t-cep412aCEP 412t-cep412a1CEP 412


Collection of 7 19th century maps of the Caribbean Islands, with descriptive text. B

Price: $30.00

t-cep412a2CEP 412 t-cep412a3CEP 412 t-cep412a4CEP 412 t-cep412a5CEP 412

t-cep410CEP 410t-cep410aCEP 410



7 pages of illustrations of the French possessions in the Caribbean, from Harmsworth’s. B 

Price: $20.00

t-cep180CEP 180



Mexican comic book on Americo Vespucio, dated 1966. m

Price: $90.00

t-cep154CEP 154 t-cep154aCEP 154 t-cep154bCEP 154

Complete set of 36 chromo cards by Spanish chocolatier Jaime Boix on Alonso de Ojeda. Described on back. M

Price: $360.00

t-cep409CEP 409t-cep409aCEP 409



Two illustrated pages of Haiti, showing Port Au Prince, Dominicans preparing for market and a street in the capital. B 

Price: $20.00

t-cep408CEP 408t-cep408a1CEP 408t-cep408aCEP 408


Complete chapter British Empire in America, Isles & Islanders of the Western Seas, by Algernon E. Aspinall. 36 pages complete. B 

Price: $20.00

t-cr249CA 249



1958 Mexican comic book Lafitte y Gibert, Los Ultimas Pirates. B

Price: $90.00

t-cep407CEP 407t-cep407aCEP 407



Three 19th century illustrated pages of pineapple culture in the Caribbean. B 

Price: $20.00

t-cr248CA 248



Early Mexican comic book La Cueva de los Desaparacedos.

Price: $90.00

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