
t-cr173CA 173t-cr173a1CA 173t-cr173a2CA 173t-cr173a3CA 173

Collection of nine 19th century illustration of negroes in Central and South America. Shown are negroes fighting in Venezuela, a fruit stall on the wharf at Puerto Cabello, heroism defending an outpost on the River San Juan de Nicaragua, costumes of negroes and creoles in the Gulf of Mexico, capturing a French diplomat in Peru, cock fighting in New Granada,.RN B

Price: $270.00

t-cr173aCA 173 t-cr173a4CA 173 t-cr173a5CA 173 t-cr173a6CA 173

t-cep120CEP 120t-cep120aCEP 120



American Geographical Society Haiti. By Richard Joseph, 1959. B

Price: $90.00

adb108ADB 108

Les Pieds Nickeles En Guyanne 1976

Comic. B

Price: $40.00

adb091ADB 091

Zagor - La Notte Dei Maghi

Ramaioli 1992

Series : 94. B

Price: $70.00

t-cep221CEP 221t-cep221aCEP 221


Complete set of 24 chromo cards titled Historia del Cacao y del Chocolate, by Fabrica de Chocolates Bubi de la Comapania Colonial de Africa. M

Price: $200.00

adb035ADB 035

Joris Valckenier 2

Gerrit Stapel 1984

Series : 10. B

Price: $65.00

adb034ADB 034

Joris Valckenier 1

Gerrit Stapel 1984

Series : 9. B

Price: $65.00

illustrations of slavery in AmericaCE 024



19th century illustration of slavery in the Caribbean. B3

Price: $60.00

t-cep039a1CEP 039t-cep039a2CEP 039


Collection of 14 chromo European advertising cards featuring people of Central and South America of African descent. Nice artwork. B

Price: $280.00

Act of Parliament to abolish slaveryCE 001



An original UK Act of Parliament amending the treaty with Brazil to abolish slavery, 1845. m

Price: $90.00

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