Late 19th/early 20th century photo of a market in Asmara, with a Coptic priest and two Italian soldiers in different dress.
Price: $50.00
ETH 443
8 photos of the military occupation of Ethiopia. Shown are local officers with natives with labial plugs, the severed head of the rebel Degiac Ailu Chebbed, local fighters, war dead.
Price: $200.00
ETH 442ETH 442ETH 442
83 photo snaps of the military occupation of Ethiopia. A rich collection showing battle casualties, mutilations, local life, ascaris, more.
Price: $1200.00
ETH 441ETH 441ETH 441
13 large format photos taken by a soldier with the 220th Blackshirt Arditi (invalid) battalion. All captioned.
Price: $520.00
ETH 440
Six professional photos of Eritrea and Ethiopia during the occupation. Shows banners for Mecca celebration, a travelling doctor, Abyssinian types, local school, local elders, a capo and his warriors.
Price: $150.00
ETH 439
Aerial photo of the bombardment of Garion.
Price: $100.00
ETH 438
Homogenous photo collection of labor day festivities in Addis Abeba and other scenes. Captioned on reverse. 15 photos.
Price: $280.00
ETH 437
16 snaps of the Italian military presence in Eritrea and Ethiopia. Shown are Ras Ailu, fraternization, a local child in military dress, transporting ascaris, fascist monument. Most captioned.
Price: $250.00
ETH 436ETH 436
Homogeneous collection of 48 photos of Italians working and mixing with local Ethiopians.
Price: $800.00
ETH 429
Three large photos of Ethiopian fascist youth, monument to the fallen at Scire and Ethiopian nobles with senior Italian officers.