French West Africa

t-bcc294BCC 294t-bcc294aBCC 294


Collection of 9 postcards on Types of Cote d’Ivoire. Shown are Agni, Ebriee, Bobo and Baoule and other unidentified types. M

Price: $180.00


t-fa005a1FA 005t-fa005a3FA 005t-fa005a2FA 005

A nice collection of 17 European trade cards on Senegal and Senegalese trailleurs. Most with advertising or descriptions on reverse. Note the Moroccan spahis shown as a Senegalese trailleur. B

Price: $340.00

t-peh055PEH 055 Societe Nouvelle des Sultanats du Haut-Oubangui. . 1928. Unissued, full coupons. B ENAH

Price: $60

t-peh054PEH 054 Sisaleraies et Carburants Africains. Distilleries Africaines. Issued in Dakar Senegal, 1928. Unissued, complete coupons. B AH EH

Price: $70

t-peh025PEH 025 Bongola Lokundje N'Yong. Issued in 1926 in Cameroun. Uncirculated with all coupons present. B eh AH

Price: $70

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