25 colonial postcards of economic activity in different towns in Mali. Shown are Nyamina, Diafarabe, Koulikoro, Koroyome, Djenne, Bandiagara, Tombouctou.
Price: $750.00
FA 299
Seven colonial postcards issued by missionaries in Mali.
Price: $210.00
FA 271
4 colonial postcards of Senegal, showing a jewel maker, sorcerer, local jockeys and an Arab woman. B
Price: $130.00
FA 243
15 colonial postcards of Mauretania. B
Price: $450.00
FA 243
FA 243
FA 243
FA 269
Un chef du Mahou, Cote D’Ivoire. B
Price: $30.00
FA 268
Rare postcard of King Behanzin and his family in exile in Algeria. B
Price: $90.00
FA 264
6 photo album pages of a visit to Dahomey in 1923. Mostly Cotonou but some other places as well, showing fetish ceremonies, local markets, also one sheet on Lagos, showing local policeman. 83 photos, all captioned. B
Price: $380.00
FA 263
4 French press photos covering the 1960 declaration of independence in Mauritania as well as a 1978 photo of military protection against the Polisario. All captioned. B
Price: $200.00
FA 261
45-page tourist brochure produced by the Haut Commissaire de la Republic Gouverneur General of French West Africa, 1954. B
Price: $180.00
FA 256FA 256
10 colonial postcards of Senegal, showing fetishism, different types, arrival of the governor and a Bambara village. B