French West Africa

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1969 Mexican comic book on Daniel Brottier, missionary to Senegal. B EH

Price: $90.00

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14 colonial postcards on Types and Habits of Cote d’Ivoire. M

Price: $280.00

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Collection of 10 colonial postcards on missionary activity in French West Africa. B

Price: $200.00

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Set of 6 colonial humor postcards on Senegal. M

Price: $150.00

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Set of 7 colonial humor postcards on Senegal. M

Price: $175.00

fa096FA 096 Set of 4 greeting cards from the project Makoumi in Burkina Faso. Size 10x15cm. B

Price: $20.00

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Complete 1898 issue of Le Petit Journal featuring the capture of Samory Toure. Also an 1899 French illustration of Samory Toure, from the cover of obscure periodical Le Globe Illustre. eh

Price: $135.00

Note: Samori Toure (c. 1830 – June 2, 1900), also known as Samori Toure, Samory Touré, or Almamy Samore Lafiya Toure, was a Muslim cleric, a military strategist, and the founder and leader of the Wassoulou Empire, an Islamic empire that was in present-day north and south-eastern Guinea and included part of north-eastern Sierra Leone, part of Mali, part of northern Côte d'Ivoire and part of southern Burkina Faso. Samori Ture was a deeply religious Muslim of the Maliki jurisprudence of Sunni Islam. Ture resisted French colonial rule in West Africa from 1882 until his capture in 1898. Samori Ture was the great-grandfather of Guinea's first president, Ahmed Sékou Touré.

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Collection of 38 positive glass slides of Cote d’Ivore taken in 1904. Shows local village nobility, trailleurs, local dancing, dress, village life, village men digging a large pit, colonial administrators close up, children playing, digging a trench through the bush for what appears to be a telegraph line, etc. All slides intact and good condition but no descriptions. If interested, there are slides from Madagascar and Indochina available from the same owner. B

Price: $600.00

fa076FA 076 Set of photographic postcards on Dakar. Shows General Wegands visit, the cathedral, a secondary school, the port, L’Institution Sainte-Jeanne d’Arc, native market and the European market. 8 photos with notations on back. M

Price: $160.00

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fa075FA 075 Complete set of 24 Spanish confectionary cards of unknown manufacture entitled Un Viaje Al Africa. Very good condition. EH M

Price: $480.00

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