WW 0671918 Group of 9 Letters to Captain H.G. Amis of the 5h Battalion Yorkshire Regiment, Prisoner of War on Danholm Island Stralsund Germany . The letters date from September 24 – October 31, all with the address "Capt. H.G. Amis York Regt. British Prisoner of War Offizer - Gefaugenenlager Stralsund Danholm Germany" and with the "Opened by Censor" stickers on back of the envelopes; the letters were written by Miss D. Beckton from Frinton-on-Sea Essex England and are usually a couple of pages in length, handwritten; giving news of local activity and her own work, hoping that Capt. Amis is receiving food parcels, imagining spending time with him once again, she is very self-deprecating, always hoping for more letters from him, expressing her love and affection; she feels stifled regarding her ability to openly express herself, probably knows her letters will be censored; at the same time she very cleverly intersperses her letters with much description of the local scenery, changes of season, crops, creatures, mutual friends and acquaintances and homely country activities - walks, berry picking, concerts, which hopefully succeeded in giving the incarcerated recipient a very good feeling of his home; evidently Capt. Amis had not received all of the parcels sent him - communications seems to have been much delayed with letters written by him on August 31 not received until October 30. This collection comes with some additional ephemera: an August 1918 typed note signed by H.E. Scott Captain for Infantry Records to H. Amis of Frinton-On-Sea Essex informing him (perhaps the father) that Capt. H.G. Amis is a Prisoner of War, with the dated rubber stamp of the record office in York; also a Field Service post card dated 1917 sent to D. Beckton, which is signed by H.G. Amis and a National Registration Identity Card with the stamped dates 1943 - 1949 for Dorothy A. Amis, noting various address changes – evidently the couple had married after his return from prison; some wear and soil, especially to envelopes & cards; the letters clean, in very good condition. M
Price: $490.00
Note: One of the regimental websites for this outfit notes that Capt. H.G. Amis was captured on May 27 1918, during the last major German offensive attack of the war. There was an island prisoner of war camp on the island of Danholm, a Hanseatic city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern located at the Southern coast of the Strelasund, a sound of the Baltic Sea. Amis' battalion was decimated, with many killed, lost, wounded.