World War 1 & 2

t-ww084WW 084t-ww084aWW 084Archive of letters from a French prisoner, Auguste Pomarede to his wife, Clarinde Pomarede living in Colombiers, Herault, France. He was a POW at a Camp W in Landshut, Germany, during World War 1 and was with the 12th Company of the 96th Infantry of the 16th Army Corp. There is also correspondence from Clarinde to Augustus before his capture. There is an additional group of correspondence from a French dragoon named Francois, in a hospital in Toulouse and elsewhere (perhaps her brother). There is also correspondence to her from the Association des parents des disparus et des prisonniers de Guerre, as well as other prisoner-related French institutuins during and after the war. 243 letters in all, of which 197 are from Auguste to his wife. He was quite prolific. The other letters make the collection that much richer. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $2000.00

t-ww081WW 081Photo album of a senior Italian officers (2nd lieutenant to captain from the uniform) funeral in Northern Italy during the Social Republica period. 21 photos. M

Price: $320.00

Note: The Italian Social Republic, (in Italian, Repubblica Sociale Italiana or RSI) was a puppet state of Nazi Germany during the later part of World War II (from 1943 until 1945). It was the second and last incarnation of the Fascist Italian state and it was led by Duce Benito Mussolini and his reformed Republican Fascist Party. The state declared Rome as its capital, but was de facto centered on Salò, a small town on Lake Garda, near Brescia, where Mussolini and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was headquartered.t-ww081aWW 081 The RSI exercised nominal sovereignty in northern and central Italy, but was largely dependent on German troops to maintain control. In July 1943, after the Allied forces had pushed Italy out of North Africa and subsequently invaded Sicily, the Grand Fascist Council, with the support of King Victor Emmanuel III, had overthrown and arrested Mussolini. The new government began secret peace negotiations with the Allied powers. When an armistice was announced in September, Germany was prepared and quickly intervened. Germany seized control of the northern half of Italy, freed Mussolini and brought him to the German-occupied area to establish a satellite regime. The RSI was proclaimed on 23 September 1943. Although the RSI claimed most of the lands of Italy as rightfully belonging to it, it held political control over a vastly reduced portion of Italy. The RSI only received diplomatic recognition from Germany, Japan and their puppet states.

t-ww081bWW 081 t-ww081cWW 081 t-ww081dWW 081 t-ww081eWW 081
t-ww077WW 077 Collection of 314 letters from a French prisoner at Stalag IV in Germany, named Lieutenant Louis Duplat (prisoner number 1054) to his wife. They are dated 1940 to 1942. His wife lived in the “zone non occuppee” in the Loire. 160 of the documents are actual letters with content and the rest are documents confirming receipt of each itemized gift received by the prisoner from his wife. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $1800.00

t-ww077aWW 077

t-ww072WW 072t-ww072aWW 072

13 Letters from German POW FREDO SUESS to his family in Germany, while in BRITISH POW CAMP 296. N. ROTHERHAM YORKSHIRE 1946 /47. Useful to study one mans feelings over time in a POW camp. M

Price: $300.00

t-ww072bWW 072 t-ww072cWW 072
t-ww072dWW 072 t-ww072eWW 072 t-ww072fWW 072 t-ww072gWW 072
t-ww072hWW 072 t-ww072iWW 072 t-ww072jWW 072 t-ww072kWW 072

t-ww071WW 071t-ww071aWW 071

Complete set of 24 cards entitled United Nations at War. Originally issued in ice cream lids, this 1983 set is published by WTW Productions of Waldwick, NJ. Covers conflicts of the 20th century. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $60.00

t-ww071bWW 071 t-ww071cWW 071 t-ww071dWW 071

t-ww067WW 0671918 Group of 9 Letters to Captain H.G. Amis of the 5h Battalion Yorkshire Regiment, Prisoner of War on Danholm Island Stralsund Germany . The letters date from September 24 – October 31, all with the address "Capt. H.G. Amis York Regt. British Prisoner of War Offizer - Gefaugenenlager Stralsund Danholm Germany" and with the "Opened by Censor" stickers on back of the envelopes; the letters were written by Miss D. Beckton from Frinton-on-Sea Essex England and are usually a couple of pages in length, handwritten; giving news of local activity and her own work, hoping that Capt. Amis is receiving food parcels, imagining spending time with him once again, she is very self-deprecating, always hoping for more letters from him, expressing her love and affection; she feels stifled regarding her ability to openly express herself, probably knows her letters will be censored; at the same time she very cleverly intersperses her letters with much description of the local scenery, changes of season, crops, creatures, mutual friends and acquaintances and homely country activities - walks, berry picking, concerts, which hopefully succeeded in giving the incarcerated recipient a very good feeling of his home; evidently Capt. Amis had not received all of the parcels sent him - communications seems to have been much delayed with letters written by him on August 31 not received until October 30. This collection comes with some additional ephemera: an August 1918 typed note signed by H.E. Scott Captain for Infantry Records to H. Amis of Frinton-On-Sea Essex informing him (perhaps the father) that Capt. H.G. Amis is a Prisoner of War, with the dated rubber stamp of the record office in York; also a Field Service post card dated 1917 sent to D. Beckton, which is signed by H.G. Amis and a National Registration Identity Card with the stamped dates 1943 - 1949 for Dorothy A. Amis, noting various address changes – evidently the couple had married after his return from prison; some wear and soil, especially to envelopes & cards; the letters clean, in very good condition. M

Price: $490.00

Note: One of the regimental websites for this outfit notes that Capt. H.G. Amis was captured on May 27 1918, during the last major German offensive attack of the war. There was an island prisoner of war camp on the island of Danholm, a Hanseatic city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern located at the Southern coast of the Strelasund, a sound of the Baltic Sea. Amis' battalion was decimated, with many killed, lost, wounded.

t-ww066WW 066t-ww066aWW 066

Original personal German diary, dated 1940. It contains 39 written pages and 15 photographs. Some of the entries span 1-3 pages. In the back of the book is one glued card, two loose German documents dated 1939 and 1940. All are related to Peter and Antie Andreson. I suspect that the owner of the diary was Antie Andreson. The typed letters give the authority to Antie Andreson to bear the title Lagergruppenfuehrerin (female youth leader) as well as her marriage to Peter Andresen. Also mentioned is a letter from Graf Fock (Duke) to her marriage. The congratulations to their marriage by Graf Fock indicates the Antie Andreson is from upper German society. The value of this diary is to understand how the war affected the daily life of an upper society German woman who was a youth leader, at a time when Germany was winning the war. M

Price: $590.00

t-ww065WW 065t-ww065aWW 065


Two photos, one of Achille Starace and the other of Mussolini speaking before the Italian Parliament. M

Price: $100.00

t-ww064WW 064


Set of 13 Spanish chocolate cards on leaders of World War 1. B

Price: $260.00

t-ww063WW 063t-ww063aWW 063

Unusual complete set of 10 Spanish chocolate cards on the sea voyages of Kaiser Wilhelm II. It covers his trip to Constantinople and Halfa in 1898, visits to Norway, Kiel and Potsdam. Also shows the German navy in Kiou-Tschou and elsewhere. A rare set. B

Price: $200.00

 German armed forces in 1936PCA 047 German armed forces in 1936PCA 047


Die Deutsche Wehrmact, by German company Cigarette Bilderdienst, Dresden, 1936. Beautiful album showing all the German armed forces in 1936. Near complete with 269/270 cards present. Condition is very good. Much on all different aspects of the German Navy. B

Price: $400.00

t-pca047a1PCA 047 t-pca047a2PCA 047 t-pca047a3PCA 047 t-pca047a4PCA 047
t-pca047a5PCA 047 t-pca047a6PCA 047 t-pca047a7PCA 047 t-pca047a8PCA 047

t-ww245WW 245



Complete set of puzzle postcards issued in World War 1 entitled La Gaite a la Caserne. M

Price: $500.00

t-ww058WW 058Small archive of military correspondence from Tenente Virginio Bertolini, who served with the 114th Regiment Fanteria ‘Montova’ from April 1, t-ww058aWW 0581942 to the end of the war. Included are his compensation, official statements, promotion. The most important document is a typed manuscript with his assessment of the spirit and morale of the troops under his command in May to June, 1944. M

Price: $380.00

Note: The Mantova Mechanized Brigade was a mechanized brigade of the Italian Army. Its core units were mechanized infantry battalions. On 15 March 1942 the 104th Infantry Division Mantova was raised in Verona with the re-activated 113th and 114th infantry regiments and the 11th Artillery Regiment Monferrato. After allied forces had landed on the Italian peninsula and an armistice between Italy and the Allies had been signed, the division stayed loyal to the Italian King Victor Emmanuel III.

t-ww058cWW 058On 26 September 1943 the division ceded part of the 11th Artillery Regiment to help form the Italian 1st Motorized Group under command of the 58th Infantry Division Legnano, which was to aid in the allied war effort. In spring 1944 the division took command of the remnants of the 155th Infantry Division Emilia after they had been repatriated from combat against German forces in Dalmatia. At the beginning of fall 1944 the division was ordered to re-organize as a Combat Group destined for the frontlines in central Italy. The 76th and 114th infantry regiments and 155th artillery regiment were brought up to strength and equipped with British materiel. By spring 1945 the division was ready to join the British Eighth Army, but it arrived at the front just as the German forces in Italy were surrendering. 

t-ww057WW 057 Complete set of 20 Spanish chromos entitled Guerra Europea: La Paz. Done shortly after World War 1, the theme is PEACE. Described on back. M

Price: $600.00

t-ww057aWW 057

t-ww046WW 046t-ww046aWW 046

Rare image of the death of a Garibaldi descendant in World War 1 from a Spanish confectionary card. Described on back. I could find only one reference to a Garibaldi descendant dying in World War 1. It is John Garibaldi, son of Felice Garibaldi from Piave di Brancoli who came to the USA with General Garibaldi in 1850. John was born in the US and although an American he appears to have fought and died with the Italian army. He is shown wearing the famous Garibaldi red shirt although this might be pure fantasy. Also included is the January 10-17, 1915 issue of La Domenica del Corriere, showing same event. MM

Price: $100.00

t-ww045WW 045 Two vintage Spanish chromo cards on Americans fighting the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1918. Descriptions on back. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $45.00

t-ww043WW 043 Complete set of 10 vintage Spanish chromo cards entitled La Guerra en el Mar. Submarinos minas y torpedos. All described on back. M

Price: $300.00

t-ww043aWW 043

t-ww042WW 042t-ww042aWW 042t-ww042bWW 042


Collection of 19 vintage Spanish chromo cards on Italy in different theatres in World War 1. All described on back. M

Price: $570.00

t-ww041WW 041 Complete collection of 25 early Spanish chromo cards entitled Historia de la Navegacion Aerea. Descriptions on back. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $500.00

t-ww040WW 040 Complete collection of 27 early Spanish chromo cards entitled La Guerra Aerea. It is a fantasy story set during World War 1. Story told on back. Fascinating artwork. M

Price: $540.00

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