World War 1 & 2

t-ww010WW 010




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of Raymond Poincare, President of France, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. M2B

Price: $400.00

t-ww009WW 009




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of Joseph Haller, Lieutenant-General of the Polish Army, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. MB2

Price: $600.00

t-ww004WW 004




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. MB

Price: $400.00

t-ww008WW 008




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of King Peter 1 of Serbia, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. MB2

Price: $400.00

t-ww007WW 007




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. MB2

Price: $400.00

t-ww006WW 006




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of King Albert I of Belgium, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. MB

Price: $400.00

t-ww005WW 005




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of Dr. Bernardino Machado, President of Portugal, with text on reverse. Most of the images deal with the war in Africa. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. MB2

Price: $400.00

t-ww003WW 003




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of King George V of the United Kingom, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. MB

Price: $400.00

t-ww238WW 238




Complete set of 18 puzzle cards forming the image of Marconi, with text on reverse. This was a set brought out on leaders of World War 1, in the 1920’s. Rare. M

Price: $1500.00

t-ww001WW 001

A complete set of 10 Spanish chocolate cards entitled Italia contra Austria y Alemania. Done shortly after World War 1, they show Italy fighting Austria and Germany. M

Price: $250.00

t-ww001aWW 001

t-pca118PCA 118t-pca118aPCA 118



Complete set of 6 British anti-German propaganda postcards issued during World War 1. Rare. It relates to the German killing of Miss Clavell. The British used this as propaganda to show the barbarity of the Germans in their effort to raise money for the war effort. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: 200.00

t-pca116PCA 116

Notebook of Adriano Caspanelli while at school traing to be a carabinieri. It is from 1939. M

Price: 120.00

t-pca116aPCA 116

t-fcs018FCS 018



WW2 issue of Turkish magazine Karikatur featuring Mussolini on the cover. M

Price: $90.00

t-pca114PCA 114t-pca114aPCA 114



Allied Propaganda aginst Germany and the fascists. M

Price: 90.00

t-fcs016FCS 016



WW2 issue of Turkish magazine Karikatur featuring Mussolini on the cover. M

Price: $90.00

t-fcs015FCS 015



Complete July 1933 issue of Crapouillot. This is a special issue devoted to Hitler roughly 3 months after democracy was abolished in Germany. B

Price: $150.00

t-fcs013FCS 013t-fcs013aFCS 013



A 1945 Dutch book entitled Oorlogs Prentenboek Door Ton Van Tast, which translates as 'War Picture Book by Tons of Concrete'. M

Price: $100.00

t-fcs012FCS 012t-fcs012aFCS 012



A 1945 Dutch book entitled Oorlogs Prentenboek Door Ton Van Tast, which translates as 'War Picture Book by Tons of Concrete' M

Price: $90.00

t-fcs011FCS 011t-fcs011aFCS 011



A 1945 Belgian book by Edmond Hoton entitled Eux et Nous, which translates as 'Us and Them' M

Price: $120.00

t-fcs010FCS 010t-fcs010aFCS 010



Early post-war Dutch book entitled Schaduwen van Gisteren, which translates as 'Shadows of Yesterday'. It is by Wim de Mooy and Pieter Groenewold. M

Price: $90.00

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