World and Europe

mp418MP 418



Les cinq parties du Monde. Planisphere comprenant toutes les possesions colonials Chemins de fer Lignes de navigation. Edite par les Cartes Taride. Size: 96 x 129cm. m

Price: $650.00

mp413MP 413mp413aMP 413


Rare Italian map Le Chiavi Strategiche Della Guerra…..the Strategic Keys of the War. Shows some obscure locations, like Gibraltar, Pearl Harbor, Alexandria, Singapore, Malta, St. Petersburg. Badly repaired but complete. Size: 68 x 98cm. m

Price: $890.00

mp408MP 408



1982, Muir's Atlas of Medieval and Modern History. B

Price: $200.00

mp400MP 400mp400aMP 400mp400a1MP 400


Nuestro Mundo. Atlas Illustrado Bimbo. Size: 34x48cm. 1967. This atlas contains all but 2 of the 225 stickers. The only library holding this atlas is th National Library of Spain in Madrid.One of the most colorful childrens atlases I have seen. B

Price: $150.00

mp400a2MP 400 mp400a3MP 400 mp400a4MP 400 mp400a5MP 400 mp400a6MP 400

mp399MP 399mp399aMP 399



Set of 11/13 maps The Cyclist Pocket Touring Maps of London. W&AK Johnston. Box included. B

Price: $60.00

mp405MP 405mp405aMP 405



Two 19th century maps, not dated. A Plan of the City and Port of Taranto, Plan of the Port City of Brindisi. B

Price: $100.00

mp398MP 398mp398a1MP 398mp398aMP 398


Geillustreerde Atlas Europa, 1954. This atlas is supplemented with 104 chromo stickers. B

Price: $200.00

mp395MP 395



Complete set of 6 satirical French postcards on World War 1. m

Price: $200.00

mp394MP 394




1942 street map of Stalingrad, printed in German. Possibly 1 of 2 maps, and possilby of military use. Size: 70x88cm. m

Price: $250.00

mp388MP 388mp388aMP 388mp388a1MP 388


1931, Atlas Chatel & Dollfus, Les Houilleres Europeennes. Edite par la Societe de Documentation industrielle. in total 12 maps. B

Price: $350.00

mp388a2MP 388 mp388a3MP 388 mp388a4MP 388

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