World and Europe

mp062MP 062mp062aMP 062


Dublin. Great detail of the city of Dublin. Director at the Ordinance Survey Office, Dublin 1948. Scale: 1:25000. Size: 73 x 94cm. UNAVAILABLE

Price: $300.00

mp061MP 061mp061aMP 061

Karte von Albanien auf grund der ostereichisch-ungarischen Kriegsaufnahmen und der im auftrage der albanischen regierung von Dr Herbert Louis gemachten aufnahmen. German map of North Albania. 'Due to the ostereichisch-Hungarian war recordings and on behalf of the Albanian Government by Dr. Louis'. Detail of different topographical developments from different sources. Unknown c1928. Scale: 1:200000cm. Size: 84 x 91cm. B

Price: $490.00

79 page atlasMAP 50979 page atlasMAP 509

Europa e il mondo Altraverso due Guerre. A 79 page atlas, containing 71 maps, explaining the changes being brought about throughout the world as a result of the war.  Covers every country and city state affected globally.  Loads of text to accompany the maps.  Done in 1943. Never seen anything like it.  Spotting on front and back cover but inside is clean. Produced by: Consociazione Turistica Italiana. Dated: 1943. UNAVAILABLE

Price: $300.00

Italian map of the WorldMAP 507


Planisfero Politico.  A large Italian map of the World, as done at the height of World War 2, showing colonial posessions and borders that no longer exist. By Istituto Geographico De Agostini. Dated 1942. Scale: 1:30000000. Size 72 x 130cm. m

Price: $280.00

Aincient GaulMAP457


Gallia Antiqua Latin script map of Aincient Gaul. By Anville. Dated 1760. Size 80 x 56cm. B

Price: $490.00

Dutchy of SavoyMAP456



Duche De Savoye Relief map of the Dutchy of Savoy. By Vaugondy. Dated 1778. Size 64 x 50cm. B

Price: $390.00




Europe en 1789. Tear at botom Center. By Chevalier. Dated 1789. Size 80 x 60cm. B

Price: $145.00

Spain and PortugalMAP454


Carte des Royaumes d'Espagne et de Portugal. Devises par provinces.  Map of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal, divided by provinces. By Delamarche. Dated 1790. Size 78 x 58cm. B

Price: $390.00




Germanie, France, Italie, Espagne, Isles Britanniques Fold stain near top. By D'Anville. Dated 1771. Size 51 x 63cm. B

Price: $350.00

Polish Travel MapMAP451


Polnische Reise Karte Polish Travel Map. In French and German. By Erben (Germany) Dated 1751. Size 62 x 53cm. B

Price: $400.00

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