World and Europe
Review of the Weeks Events in Timely Map Subjects, October 5, 1917. Latest Authentic Information on War and Current Events Shown Here Exclusively. Published by the Kenyon Company of Des Moines, Iowa. Shows the 5 active Fronts and current events and photos. Size: 66 x 92. M
Price: $490.00
Deutschland Karte der Besatzungs-Zonen. Herausgegeben mit Genehmigung des Service Georgraphique des TOA von der Karthographischen Anstalt Dr. Franz Burda, Offenburg (Baden). Map showing the different provinces of zones of foreign occupation of Germany following World War 2. Size: 62 x 68. M
Price: $350.00
La Cuenca de Carbon de Alta-Silesia y las Cuencas adyacentes de Carbon de Polonia y de Checo-Slovaquia. Projectada por R. Michael, 1921. A map of the coal basin and high-Silesian coal basin adjacent to Poland and Czechoslovakia. Map prepared the the Silesian plebiscite. Tear in centre easily repaired. Size: 64 x 67cm. M
Price: $590.00