Cuba and Puerto Rico

t-cup269CUP 269



1860 insurance policy for a slave. M

Price: $150.00

t-cup268CUP 268


1859 insurance policy for a slave. M

Price: $150.00

t-cup266CUP 266t-cup266aCUP 266


Certificate of nationality signed by the Chinese Consul in favor of Emilio Ani. The reverse shows his signature with Chinese characters. Red ink seal of the consulate. Emilio is 58 and a native of Canton. Dated November 27, 1883. M

Price: $380.00

t-cup248CUP 248t-cup248aCUP 248



Cárdenas May 20, 1879,…”Considering that D.Manuel has requested the Recontrata from the Asian, awaiting the Resolution ....” M

Price: 150.00

t-cup247CUP 247


IMPERIAL GENERAL CONSULATE OF CHINA, Havana-Island of Cuba.Certificate of Nationality.The General Consul of China in Havana, Certifies that D.Jose Alam is a subject of the Emperor of China and finds inscribed in the Register of said Consulate. Havana 9 September 1881. M

Price: $380.00

t-cup246CUP 246


IMPERIAL GENERAL CONSULATE OF CHINA-HAVANA ISLAND OF CUBA "Certificate of Nationality" The Consul General of China in Havana, certifies that D.Antonio Achuin is a subject of S.M.the Emperor of China and as such is registered and accompanying filiation. Havana October 4, 1881. M

Price: $380.00

t-cup245CUP 245



Affidavit of an Asian. “He appeared before me the settler D.Sisto, native of China, age 40 years, single, field office, swears to comply with the laws and general orders of this country and those who are subject to the Spaniards who live in the ...Colon 24 September 1863.” M

Price: $290.00

t-cup245aCUP 245 t-cup245a1CUP 245 t-cup245a2CUP 245

t-cup242CUP 242t-cup242aCUP 242


Early request by an Asian for residency. “The Asian Esteban fulfilled his 8-year contract at the Ingenio de Trinidad and Recontrata for 1 year, he wishes to continue residing on this Island for what he asks-he begs the corresponding document ....Sabanilla 2 September 1868.” M

Price: $290.00

t-cup234CUP 234



Character reference for an Asian. “D.Jose M.Paviñas Neighbor of the Party of the Siguimas: I CERTIFY that the Asian D.Jacinto has done well and honestly during the time that has been found Recontrata with me. Roque 17 September 1863.” M

Price: $190.00

t-cup233CUP 233



Character reference for an Asian. “The Asian D.Eurico, native of China, single, of 26 years of age, profession of the field. JURO fidelity and adherence to the government of Her Queen Ntra.Sra.qDg to comply with the laws that govern the Island ….Matanzas 1 August 1876”. M

Price: $180.00

t-cup230CUP 230


Asian contract. “JURISDICTION OF MATANZAS. CONTRACT that Esteban and D.Estelan settler celebrate in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation approved by Royal Decree of July 6, 1860 for the introduction and regime of Asian settlers on this Island, circular of the Superior Civil Government of March 27, 1861. Matanzas 1 December 1866.” M

Price: $290.00

t-cup188CUP 188t-cup188aCUP 188


This is an 1883 Chinese Nationality Certificate, issued to the Colono Roque Moreno by the Chinese Consulate General in Havana, and signed by Lin Liang Yuan, the Chinese Consul General during the Qing Dynasty. Note the signature on reverse.

Price: $380.00

t-cup179CUP 179t-cup179aCUP 179It serves you to send payment to the order of: D. Rafael Martinez the amount of $152.50 in GOLD for the value of liquidation of avenged journals, of a negro who was his property and whom he had accommodated on this farm...he (negro) spent 9 months on the Ingenio, [this] according to which is given by the signatories (as listed, and is a Pagaré for the Plantation/Ingenio Santa Ana Dated August, 1878. [The pagarés - literally meaning "to be paid" were used as currency for each plantation and each plantation had its own such currency.] On the back of this document is a signatory.

Price: $800.00

Note: This is a very rare Pagaré Plantation slavery currency/document, these notes were used besides gold and silver and other standard money, in the early years (i.e., of these plantation payments), there was little other form of payment that existed, so each sugar plantation had their own currency, and the Chinese - specifically - were also paid in bronze and in the 1890s with tokens, but paper payments from plantations is the rarest form of payment that existed and they are indeed rare. It is important to note the very nature of these documents/notes puts the Chinese and blacks on equal footing (even though the Chinese were in fact treated worse than black slaves).

t-cup149CUP 149t-cup149aCUP 149

March 15th in the year 1882, a lengthy 12 manuscript manumission court file for a brown native man, José de Jesus, who was a slave of Luis Berserá, he is seeking his "redemption" (freedom) from the Junta de Patrocinados (slavery Junta) on the basis that he has not received his monthly stipend of 3 pesos. The slave owner argues that José was not listed in a particular slave census and so there would be monthly stipend [for a certain time frame]. There must be formal recognition by both parties of all statements, as can be seen declared in documents in this group and it is noted that José de Jesus is illiterate and has a representative to sign for him. This a lengthy and rare manumission manuscript group giving evidence to the fact slaves were in fact given a voice to be able to claim their freedom - they were afforded due process [as per slavery tribunals of the era, who appeared to fairly weigh presented evidence]. On the 5th of May, 1882 in a formal session of the Junta de Patrocinados, the Junta declared overturned the claim by José de Jesus to receive his freedom.

Price: $900.00

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t-cup146CUP 146t-cup146a1CUP 146

A 7 manuscript manumission court dosier in which Hilario Lamnaya, [supposed] slave of D. Angel Haza is granted his freedom. This is a case of mistaken slave owners... In the year 1883 in a letter to the President of the Patronatos, Hilario Lamnaya, [supposed slave of ] Angel Haza, cannot be found "empadronado" [his whereabouts are unknown]... The [supposed] slave owner, Angel Haza, is aware of the particulars of what is noted above and has 15 days to reply to a claim by his slave Hilario Lamnaya... On Jan. 9th, 1882, the Secretary of the Junta of Patronatos (slave owners), state Hilario is neither found empadronado (as a slave) nor has he received his monthly stipend... The Junta of Patronatos (slave owners), has agreed to redeem (free) Hilario... Angel Haza cannot be located, but it is later noted that Hilario was the slave of Pedro Larrinaga and that Hilario is to be given his Cedula of Freedom... On Nov., 24th, 1883, in a document with the Secretary of the Junta of Patrocinados noted at the header, Hilary is being "redeemed" and given his Cedula of Freedom.

Price: $700.00

t-cup146a3CUP 146 t-cup146a7CUP 146 t-cup146a9CUP 146 t-cup146a12CUP 146

t-cup107CUP 107


Two cards from the Heritage Collection on the Spanish-American War. One showing the Rough Riders in Santiago Cuba and the other showing the fighting at San Isidro, Luzon, Philippines. Date 1992. M

Price: $20.00

t-cup087CUP 087

This is a 1960 "warrant card" from a sub-branch of Chinese Freemasons, which originated as a secret sect (Hongmen) in an attempt to overthrow the Manchurian rule in late Qing Dynasty. The warrant's arrangement works more like a template to notify the recipient (name field in blank) that under the authority of the main branch, he has been elected as (position field in blank) for the upcoming term, and request him (male only since the word "Mr." is pre-printed) to report to the branch and swear in to the office. M

Price: $100.00

t-cup086CUP 086t-cup086aCUP 086

Original and complete 1868 Chinese SHIP MANIFEST, from MACAO, China with 213 Chinese Colonos listed with their ages and areas where they are from in China also listed. It is signed by the Spanish Consul General de S.M. (de Su Majestad). The last one of these that went in a Swann auction in March 2012 sold for $3360. M

Price: $3900.00

t-cup071CUP 0711887 issue of Charlatan. Satire on the how Cuba is suffering from the Spanish upper class draining the country, counterfeit banks, Customs fraud. The message is “Salamanca come soon, cant you see they are getting drunk”. Size 39x60cm. B

Price: $400.00

Note: Manuel de Salamnca was Captain General of Cuba in 1889. He was a spokesman in the Spanish Congress for the miserable ways the Cubans had been treated by Spain.

t-cup069CUP 069


Pre-Cuban war issue of Judge. Fold-out illustration titled “NEXT! Brazil having fallen into the line of Republics, Mr. Blaine is reported to have an open eye on Cuba”. Size 35x52cm.  ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $150.00

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