Cuba and Puerto Rico

t-cup514CUP 514



Early Auca titled La Negrita Honrada. Print by Epinal Pellerin. Size 30x40cm. M

Note: An auca is a graphic format popular in Spain and especially in the region of Catalonia around Barcelona. The genre dates at least to the 17th century but was banned during the 18th century before experiencing a renewal during the 19th and later the 20th centuries as a uniquely Catalonian form of expression. It takes the form of a cartoon or a comic strip, typically with 48 blocks of image and text, although some may have less. An auca is generally produced as a single sheet, but occasionally a booklet form is used. The captions tend to have some sort of consistent rhyme to assist with the flow and storytelling. Many times the term “auca” appears in the title, but another term, “aleluya,” is used, apparently interchangeably. Some sources indicate that the aleluya originated in Castile and originally included religious elements that were shed over time. Auca was a very popular form of anti-Nationalist propaganda during the Civil War.

Price: $400.00

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Advertising card from chocolatier La Kabiline for the Cuban pavilion at the 1900 Exposition in Paris. M

Price: $30.00

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Cuban comic book Cuando Che er Ernestito. M

Price: $90.00

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Issue of Zunzun. El Hombre de la Edad de Oro. M

Price: $90.00

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1963 Mexican comic book, Vidas Ejemplares, San Antonio Maria Claret, archbishop of Santiago, Cuba, from 1849-1857.

Price: $90.00

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Three illustrations of Puerto Rico from Harmsworth’s. B

Price: $10.00

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Illustration of the top US commanders of the Spanish American War, all named. B

Price: $20.00

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Italian illustration of the damage caused in Florida by the cyclone of late September, 1929. B

Price: $20.00

Cristobal ColonCEP 094Cristobal ColonCEP 094


A rare complete set of Spanish trade cards by Chocolate Juncosa on Cristobal Colon. All with descriptions. It took over ten years to complete this set. N 

Price: $875.00

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19th century illustration of a Cuban landscape and forest scene. B

Price: $40.00

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Two rare illustrations from Le Globe Illustre in 1896, showing the different uniforms of Spanish marines and the demonstrations outside the US Consul in Barcelona. B

Price: $45.00

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Two issues of GRANMA, published in Havana, dated May 25 and May 31, 1970. One issue is completely devoted to the chronology of the Bay of Pigs incident. B

Price: $400.00

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Black Soul by JEAN F. BRIERRE. Illustrations by George Remponeau. Editorial lex. La Habana, Cuba. 1947. 57 pages, text in French. Rare. M

Price: $390.00

The Discovery of AmericaCEP 024The Discovery of AmericaCEP 024




Complete set of 6 cards The Discovery of America, 1949, by Belgian Liebig. Descriptions on back. B

Price: $20.00

Christopher ColumbusCEP 016Christopher ColumbusCEP 016

Complete set of 100 cards Christopher Columbus by Spanish Chocolate Juncosa c1950. Remarkable condition for this rare set. Interesting artwork and unusual scenes. N  ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $700.00

t-cup494CUP 494



1965 Mexican comic book about an event that occurred at San Juan, Puerto Rico. m

Price: $70.00

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1968 Mexican comic book El Marques de Comillas, Fundador de la Trasatlantica Espanola. m

Price: $90.00

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Two Cuban comic books published in 2017: La Batalla del Che, and Pablo Un Hombre de Accion. m

Price: $200.00

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Cuban childrens comic Pepe Marti. Published in Cuba in 1988. B

Price: $200.00

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Original of the decree to abolish the slave trade dated December 27, 1868. Size: 35 x 42cm. Conditional decree of the abolition of slavery in Cuba. Signing by Carlos Manuel de Cespedes. General Captain of the liberating army and first president of Cuba of the Republic in arms, Patria and Freedom, Bayamo December 27, 1868. and with the manuscript signature of J. Hornariz y Cespedes, and that of the secretary Ignacio Martinez. m

Price: $1500.00

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