Cuba and Puerto Rico

t-cup414CUP 414t-cup414aCUP 414


Cuba Slavery. D. Pedro de Villar, a native and neighbor of this city as executor and heir of his mother Mrs. Doña Carmen Portuondo says that she has sold D. Pedro Catasus, a native of Catalonia, a slave named Emilio, a Creole as of 22 years of age, in the amount of five hundred ten pesos. In Santiago de Cuba November 7, 1870. Complete manuscript, a folio size sheet written on both sides.

Price: $250.00

t-cup429CUP 429t-cup429aCUP 429



Application for the baptismal certificate of a slave of the Marques de Nuñez. Signed by the Marques. A complete file of 8 pages 12 written pages. m

Price: $500.00

t-cup429a1CUP 429 t-cup429a2CUP 429 t-cup429a3CUP 429 t-cup429a4CUP 429

t-gs033GS 033



The Human Races – The world in which we live no. 5 editorial Rome 1962 album of 24 complete chromos. M

Price: $200.00

t-cup428CUP 428t-cup428aCUP 428



1861 population census form. m

Price: $200.00

t-cup427CUP 427


Registro General de Patronato de la Provincia de Matanzas. Shows Patron Name, Sponsored Name, ethnicity, Observations. m

Price: $290.00

t-cup425CUP 425t-cup425aCUP 425



Price: $800.00

t-cup424CUP 424


State of Marriages celebrated in S.Luis de Madruga. State that shows the number of marriages celebrated in the parish of San Luis de Madruga during the semester run from January to June 1872. San Luis de Madruga, July 1, 1872. m

Price: $190.00

t-cup420CUP 420t-cup420aCUP 420

Pagare for the rent of an Asian Year 1865. I will pay for the rent of an Asian, Ingenio Carmen, will be paid to pay the Order of D. Francisco S. Maria the amount of one hundred and thirty-six pesos for the expenses of hiring an Asian, Havana November 15, 1865. Sheet size 24 cm x 16 cm. 

Price: $800.00

t-cup419CUP 419t-cup419aCUP 419


Cuba Slavery. Notarized Minutes for the Sale of a Slave Year 1872. The Notary public that subscribes presents minutes published by the sale to Doña Amalia Ferrer widow of Duvigines a black named Teresa, Creole, as of forty-two years. In Cuba ten of August of 1872. Complete manuscript, a leaf size folio written by both sides. m

Price: $290.00

t-cup418CUP 418


Cuba Slavery. Application for transfer of a negrito of ten years Year 1871. Mr. Antonio Menéndez, resident of Sagra, requests permission from the Political Governor of Matanzas to transfer his ten-year-old Negrito Florencio to his home, which he has purchased from Mr. Rafael Nendozaa, according to Public Deed before the Notary Public D. Manuel Zambrana. In Matanzas to May 27, 1871. Complete manuscript, a sheet size folio written on both sides. m

Price: $290.00

t-cup417CUP 417t-cup417aCUP 417

Cuba Slavery. Mr. Miguel Alfredo Kabastida Acting Secretary of the Provincial Board of Trustees of Matanzas. I certify that in the Minutes Book of this Meeting Board held on March thirty-one there is an agreement that the file of Modesta, Sponsored by Doña Maria Eloy Perez, widow of Cabrera, claims his Redemption because he was not paid the stipend in Matanzas to April 8, 1881. Full manuscript, a sheet size folio written by both faces. m

Price: $290.00

t-cup415CUP 415t-cup415aCUP 415t-cup415a1CUP 415t-cup415a2CUP 415

Cuba Slavery. Claim of the Baptism Certificate of the Athanasian Brunette. Matanzas February 1880. Complete manuscripts, five sheets folio size, four written on one side and one in white. m

Price: $250.00

t-cup413CUP 413t-cup413aCUP 413t-cup413a1CUP 413

Cuba Slavery. D. Juan Domenech, neighboring owner of this city of Matanzas, asks His Excellency the Governor for permission to transfer seven black slaves of his property to the Jovellanos Party. In Matanzas on October 16, 1875. Complete manuscripts, two sheets folio size written on three sides. m

Price: $290.00

t-cup412CUP 412



Illustration of General Maceo, shortly before his death. Taken from Frank Leslies. B

Price: $40.00

t-cup411CUP 411


Collection of 5 large illustrations of American troops in Tampa, embarking for the Cuba, during the Spanish-American War. Taken from Frank Leslies. B

Price: $100.00

t-cup411aCUP 411 t-cup411a1CUP 411 t-cup411a2CUP 411 t-cup411a3CUP 411

t-cup409CUP 409t-cup409aCUP 409t-cup409a1CUP 409


Two manuscripts dated 1883 concerning the status of a 14 year old slave boy Jose Criollo. m

Price: $190.00

t-cup408CUP 408t-cup408aCUP 408



1894 burial registration for pardas and morenos, incomplete. m

Price: $90.00

t-cup406CUP 406



A slave has been detained and placed in the Deposit of the Cimarrones. He will be tried in order to send a warning to other slaves. Dated 1871. m

Price: $250.00

t-cup404CUP 404t-cup404aCUP 404

Cuba Slavery Pagare for the rent of an Asian for the year 1865. Ingenio Carmen, will be paid to by the Order of D. Francisco S. Maria the amount of one hundred and thirty-six pesos for the expenses of hiring an Asian, Havana November 15, 1865. Sheet size 24 cm x 16 cm. m

Price: $800.00

t-cup402CUP 402t-cup402aCUP 402t-cup402a1CUP 4021866 Slave sale. In the Cuarton de Brazo de Cauto on July 6, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six D. Armand Lay, neighbor of Santiago de Cuba sells for eight hundred pesos (one thousand six hundred escudos) a mulatto woman from Cuba, his slave named Victorina, twenty-five years of age. field with all tachas vices and diseases born in its power. Stamp fiscal third in green of fifty cents of 1866, stamp printed of the Crown of Spain. Two sheets folio size written on two sides. m

Price: $390.00

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