Cuba and Puerto Rico

t-cup487CUP 487



List of people who subscribe to help the poor, and firefighters injured or bruised in the fire on Sunday 23. Dated at Matanzas March18, 1851.

Price: $90.00

t-cup483CUP 483

Manuscript of a fine imposed on a slave for failing to carry his identity card with him. Written and signed in Havana. With beautiful seal engraved on sheet with coat of arms of the governor of Cuba Don Jose Ignacia de Echavarria and manuscript signature. 

Price: $250.00

Note from Wikipedia: José Ignacio de Echavarría y del Castillo (Valladolid, July 31, 1817 - Madrid, June 4, 1898) was a Spanish military and politician. Marques de Fuentefiel, Lieutenant General and Senator for life. He held positions of civil and military governor of Havana and chief of staff in the Peninsula, following the September revolution, he was in favor of Isabel II, and as a lieutenant general he fought against Serrano's troops in Andalusia, accompanied the queen in exile and returned after the Restoration. It was in 1879 Minister of War, in the Cabinet chaired by Cánovas del Castillo.

t-cup479CUP 479t-cup479aCUP 479t-cup479a1CUP 479


Document on the license to marry a free brunette from Cartagena (colobia) with a black slave from Santa Clara. 1816.

Price: $250.00

t-cup473CUP 473


To make new association of work of an Asian. Jurisdiction of the government of MATANZAS. Contract that is celebrated by settler Ploning and D.Jose, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation approved by Royal Decree of July 6, 1860 for the introduction and regime of Asian settlers on this Island, circular of the Superior Civil Government of March 27, 1861 and other provisions .................. CONTINUES. Santa Ana May 5, 1867.

Price: $390.00

t-cup470CUP 470


Extend hiring of a Chinese worker. Jurisdiction of the government of MATANZAS. Yo Sí Año, which is my national name of the people of the province in GRAN CHINA, 33 years old and with the name of Mariano, which is the name given to me when I arrived on this island, declared that having finished the work contract I had and wish to continue residing in this Island, I have agreed to extend my contract ........ CONTINUE. Matanzas June 14, 1864.

Price: $390.00

t-cup469CUP 469


Complaint of a Morena Irene Cardenas. To the Municipal Mayor of MACURIGES. Enclosed I refer to you the present instance of the "Morena" Irene Cárdenas sponsored by D. Jose Antonio Cullell, owner of the Ingenuity "Conchita" located in that Municipal Term, because it corresponds to that Local intervened in this matter which demands his freedom for being sexagenaria. De your receipt I hope you will notify me the appropriate notice. Matanzas 22 June 1880.

Price: $210.00

t-cup468CUP 468


Emancipated security Cedula, Number 226. CEDULA of security of the emancipated Anastasia Chacun "Ganga" of the class of day laborer, consigned to D.Ramon Garci'a, by time 13 years, concludes in 31 December 1857. Sex female/Age 25 years/Height 4 feet/Black color/Particular signs has 1 scar on the calf.

Price: $320.00

t-cup467CUP 467


Cedula security of the Emancipated, Number 465.CEDULA security of the emancipated Josefa Facundo, the day laborer class, number 53, from Matanzas, consigned amD.Ramon Silverio for the time of 3 years, ending on December 31, 1865. Sex female/Age twenty-one/Colour black/Particular signs: has 2 marks 1 on the breasts and another on the back. December 31, 1863.

Price: $320.00

t-cup465CUP 465


1 Slave, Parda, Claims her vacations. EXCMO.SR.PRESIDENT OF THE PATRONATO BOARD. The "Parda" Felicia Campanera, before You. Exhibits: That her Sponsored Da.Felicia Campanera, neighbor of Pueblo Nuevo, does not comply with the law in the previous instance of September last date, so that she has not yet been notified of the different holidays ....... CONTINUES. Matanzas 18 January 1881.

Price: $220.00

t-cup464CUP 464t-cup464aCUP 464

Chinese hiring request. MR.CORONEL INTERIM GOVERNOR. The Asian Salvador Domínguez, native of the town of Chanchun, single, 30 years old, farmer and resident in the Altercado neighborhood, before the respectable authority of you says: That he is working with D. Miguel Escalada in public lighting since 15 July 1862 with whom he was hired on August 2, 1863, for 1 year, whose contract ended. He came to this island in February 1853, hiring for 8 years with D.Florencio Domínguez with whom he fulfilled ....... ..............CONTINUES. Matanas 23 September 1863.

Price: $390.00

t-cup463CUP 463t-cup463aCUP 463

Chinese hiring request. SR.BRIGADIER GOVERNOR. Antonio León, a native of Hue "China", single, 29 years old, resident in the Mercado neighborhood EXPONE: That in 1856 he came to this island from his country, he was hired by D.Luis Arnet, neighbor of the Mercado neighborhood, with whom he was working 6 years (1862) on whose date he was released, having paid what he was entitled to, having been hired by D. Miguel P.Escarlata .............. CONTINUES. Matanzas 3June 1864.

Price: $390.00

t-cup462CUP 462t-cup462aCUP 462

It is communicated to the owner of 1 Slave who is in the municipal deposit. Civil government of LAS VILLAS. The Lieutenant Governor of Sancti Spiritus with date 9 of the present one says: Excmo.Sr., In the Municipal deposit of this City exists the Moreno presented of the enemy camp Eduardo Barroso, that said to be Free, more today he confesses to be SLAVE and belongs to the endowment of the Sra.Barbara Ingenuity, Colon Jurisdiction of D.Mer Levis. Cienfuegos 15 May 1877.

Price: $350.00

t-cup461CUP 461t-cup461aCUP 461

A Chinese is explaining why he does not have a pass. EXCMO.SR.BRIGADIER GOVERNOR. Francisco de Lucas ASIÁTICO, neighbor of the Alacranes Party to You Exhibits: That his brother Pastor Lucas, left with direction to Ceiba and from there to Havana where his foreman lives but could not catch the train and spent the night in the house of a countryman who lives in the neighborhood of Pueblo Nuevo at night the Celador arrived and when he saw that he did not have a Pass, he referred him to the Cimarrones deposit .......... CONTINUES. MATANZAS 5 February 1878.

Price: $390.00

t-cup460CUP 460


Permission to transfer sponsors, Slaves to another place. Macuriges constitutional hoody. EXMO. SR. with this date and Registered to number 23, I have Issued Transit Pass in favor of the Heirs of D. Guillermo González to transfer from one Municipality to another his Sponsors that are expressed in the margin. Matanzas 15 November 1881.

Price: $290.00

t-cup459CUP 459t-cup459aCUP 459


One Asian was out of the deposit of CIMARRONES. Deposit of CIMARRONES DE MATANZAS. Yesterday the ASIAN "Leonardo" of the Presidio of Havana escaped, companion of the so-called Mauricio of the same origin who also escaped. Matanzas 30 April 1877.

Price: $290.00

t-cup458CUP 458


Application for 1 SLAVE Brunette of the Board of her 4children. To the Mayor, President of the Local Board of Patronages of Macuriges. Abjunto. remito a Usted. the file initiated by la Morena, free Dorotea that requests the Board of 4, children 3 freedmen and 1 Sponsored by the Excmo.Sr.A.Camilo Freijo Sotomayor. Matanzas 19 June 1881.

Price: $150.00

t-cup457CUP 457t-cup457aCUP 457


Identity card. For Foreigners, Expedido in favor of Dios.Carlos Azon, native of Cantón, Single State, Profession Jornalero, Passernte, Age 38 years, N ° 21294. Havana June 12, 1880.

Price: $490.00

t-cup456CUP 456t-cup456aCUP 456


The owner of his Slave is notified he is being held at the Cimarrones Deposit. General Command of Matanzas: "I beg to you .Notify D.Mister Levis neighbor of this Jurisdiction, that having in the Cimarron Depository of Sancti Spiritus the Slave" Eduardo Barroso "can pick it up, after the proper justification of his property. Matanzas 7 June 1877.

Price: $220.00

t-cup455CUP 455


Pass for 1 Slave. BODY OF POLICE - GEFATURA –MATANZAS. He has been registered as High in this City, the SLAVE "Leocadio" (Criollo) Slave of D.Vicente Núñez, who from Barbacoa, moves his address to the Southern District of this City. Matanzas 19 September 1876.

Price: $220.00

t-cup454CUP 454


Permission to recontract nine Asians. General Government of the Island of Cuba..Excmo Mr.: See the instance of D. Rafael Maria Landa, neighbor of Cárdenas, asking for Authorization to Re-Contract the Asians: Anastasio, Cleaning, Fabián, Gervasio, Gil, Zacarías, Raffle, Alejo, Theodore, Marité and Álvaro, fulfilled and in their power. Havana 18 October 1878.

Price: $390.00

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